by Pope John Paul II

Blessed Angela of Foligno!
The Lord has accomplished great wonders in you.
We today, with a grateful soul, contemplate and adore the arcane mystery of divine mercy, which has guided you on the way of the Cross to the heights of heroism and holiness. Enlightened by the preaching of the Word, purified by the Sacrament of Penance, you have become a shining example of evangelical virtues, a wise teacher of Christian discernment, a sure guide in the path of perfection.
You have known the sadness of sin, you have experienced the "perfect joy" of God's forgiveness. Christ addressed you with the sweet titles of "daughter of peace" and "daughter of divine wisdom". Blessed Angela! we trust in your intercession, we invoke your help, so that the conversion of those who, in your footsteps, abandon sin and open themselves to divine grace, are sincere and persevering. Support those who intend to follow you on the path of fidelity to Christ crucified in the families and religious communities of this city and of the entire region. Make young people feel close to you, guide them to discover their vocation, so that their life opens up to joy and love.
Support those who, tired and disheartened, walk with difficulty between physical and spiritual pains.
Be a bright model of evangelical femininity for every woman: for virgins and brides, for mothers and widows. The light of Christ, which shone in your difficult existence, also shines on their daily path. Finally, implore peace for all of us and for the whole world. Obtain for the Church, engaged in the new evangelization, the gift of numerous apostles, of holy priestly and religious vocations.
For the diocesan community of Foligno he implores the grace of an indomitable faith, active hope and ardent charity, because, following the indications of the recent Synod, you advance quickly on the path of holiness, announcing and witnessing relentlessly the perennial novelty of the Gospel.
Blessed Angela, pray for us!


(Siro Silvestri - Bishop of Foligno)

O glorious Blessed Angela who illuminated by grace, in contempt and in the renunciation of all that is fleeting, you ran with great "steps" along the way of the Cross towards God "love of the soul", impetrate us to be able to love the Lord as You l 'I loved.
Teach us, O Master of the spirit, to detach ourselves from the transitory things of the earth, to possess God, our true wealth. So be it.


(Giovanni Benedetti - Bishop of Foligno)

We thank you, Lord, for the gift that you wanted to grant to your Church, calling to conversion one of our fellow citizens, Blessed Angela.
We adore in her the mystery of your infinite mercy, which wanted to guide her, through the way of the Cross, to the peaks of heroic holiness.
Illuminated by the preaching of your word, purified by the sacrament of your forgiveness, it has become a shining example of evangelical virtues, a wise teacher and sure guide on the difficult path of Christian perfection.
Trusting in his intercession, we pray to you, Lord, that the will to convert in those whom you call from sin to grace in the sacrament of your forgiveness be sincere and persevering. And we also ask you, Lord, that the model of holiness, which you yourself wanted to give us in the life of Blessed Angela, illuminates and supports those who want to imitate its virtues within our families, in our religious communities, in the ecclesial community and in the life of our city. Amen.


(Giovanni Benedetti - Bishop of Foligno)

O Lord, you said to Angela: “I didn't love you as a joke; I didn't serve you for pretense. I have not known you from far away ", give us, through his intercession, to always believe that you love us faithfully, even when we are not faithful to your love, we pray:
Through the intercession of Blessed Angela, listen to us.
O Lord, who said to Angela: “Do penance so that you can reach me; make as much of it as I, Son of God, have made of it in this world to be able to save you ”, allow us to follow the God-Humanized in the exercise of his favorite virtues by Angela: poverty, pain, contempt, we pray:
For …
O Lord, who promised Angela: "To these your children, to those who are present today and to those who are not present, I will give the fire of the Holy Spirit, who will inflame them all and with his love he will transform them into my Passion", send your Holy Spirit to each of us, to our Upper Room, to the whole Church, let us pray:
For …
O Lord, who to Angela, during the celebration of Mass, you said: "Here is all the joy of the Angels, here is the joy of the saints, here is all your happiness", give us the grace to meet you, with the same feelings that Angela had, in the Holy Eucharist, we pray:
For …
O Lord, who gave Angela this blessing: “You will have other children; and all receive this blessing, because all your children are my children ”, give all of us, today and always, your blessing.

(San Andreoli)

Blessed Angela, you, in the last period of your life,
you had a good group of disciples, whom you addressed as "children".
Look with benevolence on our community and consider everyone, young and old, clerics, religious and laity, as your children, in need of your intercession, your attention, your protection and your sweet assistance, especially in this difficult time of reconstruction, after the bad earthquake of five years ago, which so much bitterness has sown in the hearts of your fellow citizens.

O Blessed Angela, who, writing to a disciple, sent him the wish: "May the light, love and peace of the highest God be with you", obtain from the Lord these three precious gifts for the Christian community and for the whole world, threatened by great difficulties and countless dangers.

Blessed Angela, whom you contemplated, with intimate participation,

Christ torn, crucified and died for us,
obtain from the Lord the gift of understanding his physical and spiritual pain,
to be able to share the suffering of all kinds of our sisters and brothers, and not to be confused and lose hope
in the difficult moments of our life.