I congratulate you, or first Holy Virgin of the city of Naples, glorious S. Maria Francesca, for the copious favors from heaven shared with you; and I beg you to multiply the effects of your charity and protection on me, by obtaining from me the grace that I desire so much (grace is asked here). And so that you commit yourselves with your prayers before God to obtain it, I adore, bless and thank the SS. Trinity for the many graces that he did to you, especially with having you, not yet come out into the light, made to announce with two distinct prophecies, as you were a Saint; also adore Jesus the Sacrament from the womb, adorned with superhuman gifts and virtues, and honored by his familiarity and companionship almost throughout your life, decorating you with all the traits, of his Passion, giving your heart that sum seraphic charity towards God and neighbor. Therefore, dear Bride of Jesus Christ, if your Spouse loved you so much, let me experience the effects of your protection now that you are in his presence, to find the peace of my heart in the attainment of the requested grace.

3 Glory be to the Father

V.) Pray for us, Santa Maria Francesca

R.) So that we become worthy of the promises of Christ


O God you wanted the Holy Virgin Mary Francesca to become conformed to the image of your crucified Son, for her merits and her intercession grant us that, transformed into the same image of the Crucified while we are on earth, we deserve to be glorified with her in the sky. For Christ our Lord.
