At your prostrate feet, O grand father of the sick,

I come today to implore you who are the dispenser of heavenly treasures,

the grace of Christian resignation, and the healing of evils

troubling my body and soul.

O heavenly doctor, deh! do not disdain to come to my rescue,

reminding you of the wonders of charity wrought in the days of your mortal

career for the benefit of suffering humanity.

You are the healthy balm that soothes body pains:

you the powerful brake that holds back the soul from fatal misleading:

you the comfort, the light, the guide in the harsh path

which leads to eternal health.

Above all, my most loving father, obtain grace for me

of a sincere repentance of my sins, so that I can,

when God pleases you, come and bless you and thank you

in holy paradise. So be it.