February 10 Santa Scholastica. Prayer to ask for a grace

Oh Holy Scholastic Virgin, in leaving this land, don't forget us! Our souls are destined to follow you, although they are deprived of the same charm in the eyes of the Lord. Less fortunate than yours, they will have to purify themselves for a long time before being admitted to the living room where they will contemplate your bliss. Your prayer forced the clouds of heaven to rain on the earth: that it may obtain for us the tears of penance. Your delights consisted in the conversation about eternal things: remove our futile and harmful: let us taste those in which our souls aspire to unite with God. You found the secret of that fraternal charity, whose feeling is a perfume of virtue that rejoice the heart of God: open our hearts to love for our brothers; it eliminates their coldness and indifference, so that we can reciprocally love each other as God wants us to love each other