10 formulas inspired by the word of God that will change your life

David Murray is a professor of Old Testament and Practical Theology in a Scottish seminar. He was also a pastor, but above all the author of successful books. One of these is "Il Cristiano Felice", not yet released in Italy. In this book Murray elaborates 10 formulas of happiness that every Christian can adopt to transform biblical truths into a source of happiness, provided that the practice is daily and the will supports its application. We provide you with a brief analysis, formula by formula.

This chapter teaches how to select the positive facts of one's life to enjoy the positive impact they have on our feelings, placing a barrier to the risk of focusing only on the negative ones.

"In conclusion, brothers, all that is true, noble, just, pure, lovable, honored, that which is virtue and deserves praise, all this is the object of your thoughts." (Philippians 4,8). The chapter is based on this passage, and it is another way to enjoy the peace that God knows how to instill in our hearts.

If God has given us the 10 commandments, comparing ourselves with which it is possible to understand where we have gone wrong, it is also true that Jesus Christ gives us the positive example not of what should not be done, but of what must be done.

We are Christians, it is true, but often we are inconsistently, creating the alibi that all Christians sin. We are Christians, and if only we looked to Christ more often, we would find the joy of being fully.

It often happens that the nostalgic attitude puts those who adopt it in a state of latent sadness. True Christians must have a clear propulsion towards the future, which always and in any case represents an additional opportunity to apply our faith.

The world is certainly not Heaven, but we Christians have the opportunity to think of it as a splendid creation of God. Concentrating on this aspect, rather than how man has smeared it, can make us feel more at peace with it.

It is easy to fall into the temptation to take a moralizing attitude towards those who do not have the law of God among the priorities. But you are wrong. To feel happily Christian, the praise of positive attitudes can be enough, an encouragement that can serve more than one criticism.

"There is more joy in giving than there is in receiving." The Gospel tells us, and we should remember it.

Many find themselves doing a job that does not give them happiness. At that point, being happy Christians becomes difficult. It would be better to follow the indications that the Bible gives us about vocation and talents.

Living one's existence as Christians surrounded by other Christians is very simple. But the joy of confrontation is lost. This chapter helps you find it.

Source: cristianità.it