May 10 San Giobbe. Prayer to the Saint


I. - O most blessed Job, for the admirable conformity that in your whole life you had with the Divine Savior, of whom you were prophet and one of the most expressive figures, deign to obtain the grace of being able to also faithfully copy Jesus, our model, and thus be in the number of those predestined to glory, reserved for those who will be found to conform to the image of the Son of God. Pater, Ave, Gloria.

II. - O most blessed Job, for the admirable compassion, which grew with you from infancy for the poor and for the tribulated, so that you could boast of being the eye of the blind, the foot of the lame, the father of the poor, the support of the wavering, the comforter of the afflicted, obtain the grace of knowing how to pity and help our neighbors in their tribulations, and above all of knowing how to pity the bitter inner pains of Jesus in agony and deserve so that He too will console us in our afflictions and in ours agonies. Pater, Ave, Gloria.

III. - O most blessed Job, for the admirable fortitude of mind, with which you supported the abandonment of your friends, who did not have a word of consolation and comfort for you, but ridicule and bitter reproaches, obtain, we beg you, the the grace to endure the pains that can cause our neighbors and family members as strong, and to always remain faithful to the only true friend Jesus, who never abandons his friends, but consoles them over time and crowns them in eternity. Pater, Ave, Gloria.

IV. - O most blessed Job, for the admirable example you left of heroic detachment from every good of this earth by supporting in peace the loss of substances and the bitter deprivations of the greatest poverty, obtain the grace of being in the number of those souls that the Divin Salvatore called blessed because, poor in spirit, they suffer the effects of poverty in peace or, even abandoning goods, they are detached from their hearts, and happily secure the kingdom of heaven.

Pater, Ave, Glory.

V. - O most blessed Job, for the admirable patience with which you underwent the harsh trials to which the Lord wanted to subject you, and you were so worthy to be proposed as a model to those who suffer in this valley of tears, get us we beg you, the grace to be constantly patient in the tribulations of life, and to keep, for your example, always alive in us the spirit of faith and confidence, of which we feel the need to sanctify our pains and honor the agonies of Jesus, repeating in every event the word that he taught us and that forms the science, the virtue, the treasure of his true lovers: Fiat voluntas tua!

Pater, Ave, Glory.