From a letter to Father Lacordaire - Written between 1841 and 1844
Updated adaptation

• I believe that our life in this world and in this time makes sense
precise: to make God the Father dwell in us and among us, in the heart of every man.

• I believe that Jesus Christ freed us from the past with his cross. It makes us so
free to work so that the Word of God that He has brought us may be realized where we are
we find.

• I do not believe, unlike others, that the earth is a place of exile. On my behalf, the
I consider a place where the glory of God can manifest itself.

• I believe everyone has a mission. We have to look for what God can do
use us to proclaim and incarnate the Gospel.

• I believe that such a mission requires courage and faith. The means we have are
poor and helpless. They are the same as in Jesus Christ. We know that success
of the mission comes only from Him.

• I believe that our society can become truly Christian, that is, a space in
to which God, even invisibly, is present and his will is preferred to

• Every Christian education has its principle and purpose in making Jesus known
Christ, liberator and king of the world, in teaching that everything belongs to him and that we
we can receive it, by his grace, in our heart, in announcing that He works
in us for the advent of the Kingdom of God and that everyone can participate in his project
with prayer, suffering, action ...

• My gaze is all turned to Jesus Christ to make his Kingdom grow in the world.