April 11 Santa Gemma Galgani. PRAYER TO S. GEMMA TO ASK FOR THANKS

O dear holy Gemma,
that you let yourself be shaped by the crucified Christ,

receiving in your virginal body the signs of his glorious Passion,
for the salvation of all,
get us to live our baptismal commitment with generous dedication
and intercede for us with the Lord to grant us the desired graces.

Santa Gemma Galgani, pray for us.
Our Father, Ave Maria, Gloria

With ecclesiastical approval - Santa Gemma Sanctuary - Lucca


O sweet virgin of Lucca,
indissoluble bride of crucified love,
to you today I humbly present my plea,
I appeal to you because you are a worthy instrument of intercession with the Most High.

Gemma, my little sister
give me to learn the Love that dares not ask for anything for itself,

but who can give everything to the other.
Allow me to find out how gladly you suffer when you truly love yourself.
Allow me to suffer by making my brothers' sufferings my own and to no longer consider mine.
Teach me to know that only crucified love can love.

Gemma, my little sister
today I unworthily present to you my poor prayer and my little acts of mortification because (you put the intention and the person (s) for whom they were made)

Gemma, my little sister
do you present this suffering to your crucified Spouse?
Do you intercede with Jesus for his need?
Because to you the Most High and His Mama know nothing to deny.

Gemma, my little sister
I offer you everything because your immaculate hands transform everything, your merits cover my faults,
may your virginal dignity make up for my unworthiness, the love of your heart ask what the aridity of mine does not deserve to obtain.

(He waits for a few moments while in faith he lets Gemma ask Jesus everything)

And now that all this you have asked your Bridegroom

I give you thanks in the name of (the name of the person is put back) and I ask you to use me, at your convenience, so that Jesus and Mary may have the greatest glory.