February 11: praying for the sick

Like Saint Bernadette we are under the gaze of Mary. The humble girl from Lourdes says that the Virgin, whom she defined as “the Beautiful Lady”, looked at her as one looks at a person. These simple words describe the fullness of a relationship. Bernadette, poor, illiterate and sick, feels looked at by Mary as a person. The Beautiful Lady speaks to her with great respect, without compassion. This reminds us that every patient is and always remains a human being, and should be treated as such. Bernadette, after having been to the Grotto, thanks to prayer transforms her fragility into support for others, thanks to love she becomes capable of enriching her neighbor and, above all, offers her life for the salvation of humanity. The fact that the Beautiful Lady asks her to pray for sinners reminds us that the sick, the suffering, not only carry within themselves the desire to heal, but also to live their lives in a Christian way, coming to give it as authentic missionary disciples. of Christ. Mary gives Bernadette the vocation to serve the sick and calls her to be a Sister of Charity, a mission that she expresses to such a high degree that it becomes a model to which every health worker can refer. Let us therefore ask the Immaculate Conception for the grace of always knowing how to relate to the sick person as to a person who certainly needs help, sometimes even for the most elementary things, but who carries within himself his gift to share with others. The gaze of Mary, Consoler of the afflicted, illuminates the face of the Church in her daily commitment to the needy and the suffering.
(POPE FRANCIS, message for the 2017th day of the sick XNUMX)

World Day of the Sick Prayer 2017
Virgin and Mother Mary who have transformed a cave for animals into the house of Jesus with some swaddling clothes and a mountain of tenderness, to us, who confidently invoke your name, turn your benign gaze. Little servant of the Father who rejoices in praise, always attentive friend so that the wine of the feast is not lacking in our life, give us amazement for the great things accomplished by the Almighty. Mother of all who understand our pains, a sign of hope for those who suffer, with your maternal affection you open our hearts to faith; intercede for us the strength of God and accompany us on the journey of life. Our Lady of care left your village without delay to help others with justice and tenderness, open our hearts to mercy and bless the hands of those who touch the suffering flesh of Christ. Immaculate Virgin who in Lourdes gave a sign of your presence, like a true mother, walk with us, fight with us,
and give to all the sick who confidently turn to you to feel the closeness of God's love. Amen