O Mother! You know the routes that followed the first evangelizers of the New World, from the Guanahani and La Española islands to the forests of the Amazon and the Andean peaks, reaching the land of Fire in the South and the great lakes and mountains in the North. It accompanies the Church which carries out its work in American nations so that it will always be evangelizing and renew its missionary spirit. Encourage all those who dedicate their lives to the cause of Jesus and the spreading of his Kingdom.

O sweet Lady of Tepeyac, Mother of Guadalupe! We present to you this incalculable multitude of faithful who pray to God in America. You who have entered their hearts, visit and comfort the domestic hearths, parishes and dioceses of the whole continent. Allow Christian families to educate their children in an exemplary way in the faith of the Church and in the love of the Gospel, so that they are a nursery of apostolic vocations. Turn your gaze to the youth today and encourage them to walk with Jesus Christ.

O Lady and Mother of America! It confirms the faith of our lay brothers and sisters, so that in all fields of social, professional, cultural and political life they act in accordance with the truth and the new law that Jesus brought to humanity. Look at the anguish of those who suffer from hunger, loneliness, marginalization or ignorance. Let us recognize your favorite children in them and instill in them the impetus of charity to help them in their needs.

Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, Queen of Peace! Save the nations and peoples of the continent. Make everyone, rulers and citizens, learn to live in authentic freedom by acting according to the demands of justice and respect for human rights, so that peace is definitively consolidated.

To you, Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, all the affection, honor, glory and constant praise of your sons and daughters of America!