DECEMBER 13TH SANTA LUCIA. Prayer to ask for a grace

O Saint, whose name you have from the light, we turn to you full of trust so that you may imply a sacred light that makes us holy, so as not to walk in the ways of sin and not to remain wrapped in the darkness of error.
We also implore, through your intercession, the maintenance of light in the eyes with abundant grace to always use them according to the divine approval, without any detriment to the soul.
It is, o Saint Lucia, that after having venerated and thanked you, for your effective patronage, on this earth, we finally come to enjoy with You in paradise the eternal light of the divine Lamb, your sweet husband Jesus.

O glorious martyr,
light of holiness and example of fortress,
I turn to You and pray You
to obtain me from the Supreme Good
constancy in practicing your virtues
and that I despise, just like you,
the vain earthly pleasures
so that he can aspire to eternal joy.
So be it.