March 13 Friday dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Invocation. - Heart of Jesus, victim of sinners, have mercy on us!

Intention. - Repair the indifference of the bad Christians towards the Blessed Sacrament.


Santa Margherita was one day in the courtyard, located behind the apse of the chapel. She was intent on working, but her heart was turned to the Blessed Sacrament; only the wall prevented the view of the Tabernacle. He would have preferred, if obedience had allowed him, to stay and pray, rather than wait for work. He saintly envied the fate of the Angels, who have no other occupation than to love and praise God.

Suddenly she was kidnapped in ecstasy and had a sweet vision. The Heart of Jesus appeared to her, resplendent, consumed in the flames of her pure love, surrounded by a great host of Seraphim, who sang: Love triumphs! Love delight! The love of the Sacred Heart all cheers! -

The Saint watched, enchanted with wonder.

The Seraphim turned to her and said to her: Sing with us and join us in praising this Divine Heart! -

Margherita replied: I don't dare. - They replied: We are the Angels who honor Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and we came here on purpose to join you and give the Divine Heart the homage of love, adoration and praise. We can make a covenant with you and with all souls: we will keep your place before the Blessed Sacrament, so that you can love it without ever ceasing, through us your ambassadors. - (Life of S. Margherita).

The Saint agreed to join the Seraphim choir to praise the Lord and the terms of the covenant were written in golden letters in the Heart of Jesus.

This vision gave rise to a practice, so widespread in the world, called "Watchtower at the Sacred Heart". Hundreds of thousands are souls, who are proud to be called and to be the Guards of the Sacred Heart. Archconfraternities have been formed, with their own periodical, so that the members can be united in the ideal of reparation and take advantage of the privileges with which the Holy Church enriches them.

In Italy the national center is in Rome, and precisely in the Church of San Camillo, in Via Sallustiana. When you want to set up a group of Guards of Honor to the Sacred Heart, contact the aforementioned national center, to receive the procedures, the report card and the appropriate medal.

It is to be hoped that in every Parish there is a good host of Honor Guards, whose name is written and displayed in the appropriate Quadrant.

Watchtower should not be confused with Holy Hour. A brief education will benefit. When you want to buy indulgences, take part in the good that the other Honor Guards do and have the right to the Suffrage Masses, you must register with the National Archconfraternity of Rome.

Even without registration, you can become Sacred Heart Guards, but in private form.

The task of these souls is: Imitate the pious women, who consoled Jesus on the Mount of Calvary, hanging from the Cross, and keep company with the Sacred Heart closed in the Tabernacle. It all boils down to one hour a day. There is nothing mandatory about how to spend the Watchtower and there is no need to go to church to spend time in prayer. The way to do it is as follows:

An hour of the day is chosen, the most suitable for recollection; it can also change, according to needs, but it is better to always keep the same. When the appointed hour strikes, from wherever you are, it is better to go in front of the Tabernacle with your thoughts and join the adoration of the Choirs of Angels; the works of that hour are offered to Jesus in a special way. If possible, pray a few prayers, read a good book, sing praises to Jesus. In the meantime, you can also work, while keeping a little recollection. Avoid shortcomings, even small ones, and do some good work.

The hour of guard can also be made to half hour to half hour; can repeat several times a day; it can be done in the company of others.

At the end of the hour, a Pater, Ave and Gloria is recited, in honor of the Sacred Heart.

The writer remembers with pleasure that in his youth, when he worked in the Parish, he had about eight hundred souls who daily made the Watchtower and was built on the zeal of certain cutting and kindergarten teachers, who did with the seamstresses and with children the common Guard Hour.

The devout practice, which has been mentioned, is part of the Apostolate of Prayer.