2 extraordinary things about Padre Pio, revealed a little while ago

Padre Pio, the man: a unique story

2 amazing things about Padre Pio: Padre Pio was born Francesco Forgione on May 25, 1887 in a small agricultural town of Pietrelcina. He was accepted into the novitiate of the Order of the Capuchin Friars Minor in Morcone, Italy at the age of 15 and was ordained a priest at the age of 23 on August 10, 1910.

Padre Pio was described by his mother as a child quiet that he loved to go to church and pray. He was adored for his commendable demeanor and deep pity by his fellow students and superiors. One of the novices called him "humble, collected and silent". Padre Pio had been a man much loved by many.

2 extraordinary things about Padre Pio: the stigmata

The morning of the 20 September 1918, Padre Pio was immersed in prayer when an extraordinary event took place that changed his life. He experienced what many have known in faith as ecstasy: a profound vision.
Many believe that man has been touched by the hand of God. According to his biographer, Reverend C. Bernard Ruffin, when the experience of Padre Pio's ecstasy ended, he discovered that his hands and feet were bleeding. He crawled into his cell, cleaned his wounds, and began singing hymns and praying to God.

It is said that the wounds suffered by Padre Pio corresponded to the wounds suffered by Jesus on the cross, commonly known as stigmata. Suspected of inflicting his wound on himself, Padre Pio was visited by a doctor, who bandaged his wounds. 8 days later, the bandage was removed. There was not even the slightest sign of healing. The wounds lasted for the rest of Padre Pio's life

2 extraordinary things about Padre Pio: the man of miracles

Many believe that Padre Pio possessed a gift of healing and miracles. People flocked from all over the world to seek man-made miracles. Vera and Harry Calandra they were among those who personally experienced the miracle of Padre Pio. Vera Marie, Calandra's fifth daughter, was born with congenital defects of the urinary tract. 2 years, 4 operations and the girl was sentenced to death - the doctors could no longer do anything to save the child.
The doctor had removed the child's urinary bladder and when her mother asked her how she should live without a bladder, the doctor replied, "She wasn't going to."

When all the medical hopes had been exhausted, Vera and Harry Calandra turned to the church for comfort. Vera was introduced to the life of Padre Pio and asked the 80-year-old man for his blessing through prayer. Vera claimed that a few weeks after asking for the man's blessing, she received a sign in the form of a rose scent (she had no flowers in the house nor did she use flower scents on herself).
She was sitting in her living room when she was suddenly overwhelmed by a strong smell of roses around her head. Padre Pio's voice then spoke to her, asking her to bring Vera Marie to him, not a moment to lose.

Padre Pio and the unknown miracle

The rest was history. Doctor found remains of the bladder a Vera Marie and she lived. Vera Marie's story is just one among many. Even after his death, Padre Pio continued to perform a miracle. A few weeks after blessing Vera Marie, Padre Pio died, his stigmata finally healed after half a century.
Years after his death, a man named Paul walsh was involved in a car accident.

His skull was crushed and every bone in his face was broken. His doctor at the time, Michael D. Ryan, DD S, had erased him from the chance of survival. Paolo was unconscious and was burning with fever when his mother recited it next to him Padre Pio's prayer. According to his mother, the hand of Paul he stood trembling to his forehead as the prayer drew to a close and although he did not quite touch his forehead, he had made a sign of the cross. Paolo eventually recovered and lived to tell the story of a visit from Padre Pio during his struggle for survival, a visit also witnessed by his roommate.

Powers and miracles of Padre Pio: taken from a Rai Uno video