Lord Jesus, you wanted to donate the parish priest Vincenzo Romano to the church, who made the announcement of the Gospel the substance of his own life. His example of firm faith, of living hope, of tireless and industrious charity, still speaks to our hearts, making us rediscover the beauty of contemplating Your Face in prayer and in the service of love that alleviates the miseries of the world. Let him be venerated in the same way as the canonized Saints of the Church. Listen to the requests of all those who seek his intercession, particularly the grace that I now implore (ask for grace). Make him like all the shepherds of your flock, so that it may always and abundantly be nourished by a good pasture of the Word and the Sacraments. . We ask for this in Your name and through the intercession of Mary Most Holy, Your Mother and the whole people of God. Amen.