21 years old, found dead, he disappeared 10 days ago

21 years old found dead: The relentless search started ten days ago for Mattia Fogarin, the 21-year-old who disappeared from Padua. The waters of the canal Unloader, in the Venetian city, they brought to the surface the corpse of the young man who had explained to his parents that he had done something irremediable before losing his tracks.

Mattia Fogarin disappeared after a fight with a girl

The traces of Mattia had been lost in the night between Sunday 21 and Monday 22 March. The transmission of Raitre Who has seen it? Was also involved in the case.

On the weekend preceding the disappearance, Mattia had appeared to his friends a little sad because of a troubled relationship with a girl. Sunday night, after spending a few hours with a friend, he came home and woke up both his parents and her sister explaining: "I did something with her that I can't fix, if I don't do something someone will come home here."


21 years old found dead: prayer

God of spirits and of all flesh, who destroyed death and annihilated the devil and gave life to your world; you yourself, O Lord, give the soul of your deceased servant (name) rest in a bright place, in a verdant place, in a place of freshness, from which suffering, pain and groaning are far away.

trust in God

You, Good and kind God, forgive any sin committed by him with words, deeds or mind; for there is no man who lives and does not sin; for you alone are sinless, and your righteousness is righteousness forever and your word is truth. For you are the resurrection, life and rest of your servant (name) deceased: Christ our God, we give you glory, together with the Your naive father with your most holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.

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