Benedetto Menni, aka Angelo Ercole was the restorer of the hospital order of San Giovanni di Dio (Fatebenefratelli) in Spain, as well as the founder in 1881 of the hospital Sisters of the Sacred Heart, particularly dedicated to the assistance of psychiatric patients. Born in 1841, he left his post in the bank to devote himself, as a stretcher, to the wounded of the battle of Magenta. Entered among the Fatebenefratelli, he was sent to Spain at the age of 26 with the difficult task of reviving the Order, which had been suppressed. He succeeded in a thousand difficulties - including a trial for alleged abuse of a mentally ill person, concluded with the conviction of the slanderers - and in 19 years as a provincial he founded 15 works. On his impulse the religious family was also reborn in Portugal and Mexico. He was then apostolic visitor to the Order and also superior general. He died in Dinan in France in 1914, but rests in Ciempozuelos, in his Spain. He has been a saint since 1999. (Avvenire)


O God, comfort and support of the humble,

you made San Benedetto Menni, priest,

herald of your Gospel of mercy,

with teaching and works.

Grant to us, through his intercession,

the grace we ask you now,

to follow his examples and love you above all else,

to be pushed to serve you in our brothers

sick and needy.

For Christ our Lord. Amen.