January 24 San Francesco di Sales. Prayer to ask for his help

O sweetest Saint, that in your ardent love for God you have always conformed yours to the Divine Will of Love and said that "the character of the Daughters of the Visitation is to gaze in everything at this Divine Will and follow it", obtain grace for us to know how lovable It is always and in everything; and by believing in the Love of this Divine Will for us and in this love by hoping, we can come to love it according to your ardent desires and desires of the Heart of Jesus.
Glory to the Father ...

O sweetest and most lovable Saint, who nourished your heart with love for the Divine will and found in it the Way of peace, let us seek no other food than this Divine Will of Love; let us repeat with your heart rather than with your voice, those holy words of yours: “O most sweet Will of my God, always be done; O eternal designs of the Will of my God, I adore you, consecrate and dedicate
my will, to want eternally what you have eternally wanted.
Glory to the Father ...

O most amiable Saint, who was rightly called the holy Doctor of the Divine Will, because always, with your life and words and with your most gentle writings, you have tried to make her known and loved, and that more and more attracted to that love you have not ceased to repeat the cry of your heart: "What more can I desire in Heaven or on earth than to see this Divine Will fulfilled", makes us, by your example, not only unite with It, but become apostles of this Divine Will of Love, we yearn to see it loved and adored by all.
Glory to the Father ...