25 advice given by Jesus to Saint Faustina to defend himself from the devil

Here are the 25 tips given by Jesus to Saint Faustina to defend himself from the devil

1. Never trust in yourself, but entrust yourself completely to My will

Trust is a spiritual weapon. Trust is part of the shield of faith that St. Paul mentions in the Letter to the Ephesians (6,10-17): the armor of the Christian. Abandonment to the will of God is an act of trust. Faith in action dispels negative spirits.

2. In abandonment, in darkness and in doubts of all kinds, turn to Me and your spiritual director, who will always answer you in My name

In times of spiritual warfare, pray to Jesus immediately. Invoke His Holy Name, which is much feared in the underworld. Bring darkness to light by telling your spiritual director or confessor and follow his instructions.

3. Do not begin to argue with any temptation, immediately close yourselves in My Heart

In the Garden of Eden, Eve negotiated with the devil and lost. We must resort to the refuge of the Sacred Heart. Running towards Christ we turn our backs on the demonic.

4. At the first opportunity, reveal it to the confessor

A good confession, a good confessor and a good penitent are a perfect recipe for victory over demonic temptation and oppression.

5. Put self-love in the bottom spot so that you don't contaminate your actions

Self-love is natural, but it must be ordered, free from pride. Humility overcomes the devil, who is perfect pride. Satan tempts us to disordered self-love, which brings us to the sea of ​​pride.

6. Bear yourself very patiently

Patience is a secret weapon that helps us maintain the peace of our soul, even in the great torments of life. Patience with yourself is part of humility and trust. The devil tempts us impatiently, to turn against us so that we get irritated. Look at yourself with the eyes of God. He is infinitely patient.

7. Don't neglect inner mortifications

Scripture teaches that some demons can only be expelled through prayer and fasting. Internal mortifications are weapons of war. They can be small sacrifices offered with great love. The power of sacrifice for love makes the enemy flee.

8. Always justify within yourself the opinion of your superiors and your confessor

Christ speaks to Saint Faustina who lives in a convent, but we all have people with authority over us. The devil's goal is to divide and conquer, so humble obedience to authentic authority is a spiritual weapon.

9. Get away from the murmurs as from the plague

Language is a powerful tool that can do a lot of harm. Murmuring or gossiping is never a thing of God. The devil is a liar who raises false accusations and gossip that can kill a person's reputation. Reject murmurs.

10. Let others behave as they wish, you behave as I want you

A person's mind is the key to spiritual warfare. The devil tries to drag everyone. Thank God and let others' opinions go their own way.

11. Observe the rule most faithfully

In this case Jesus refers to the rule of a religious order. Most of us have made some vows before God and the Church and we must be faithful to our promises, namely marriage vows and baptismal promises. Satan tries to infidelity, anarchy and disobedience. Loyalty is a weapon for victory.

12. After receiving a displeasure, think about what you could do good for the person who caused you that suffering

Being a vessel of divine mercy is a weapon for good and for defeating evil. The devil works on hatred, anger, revenge and lack of forgiveness. Someone damaged us at some point. What will we return? Giving a blessing breaks curses.

13. Avoid dissipation

A speaking soul will be more easily attacked by the devil. Only pour out your feelings before the Lord. Remember, good and bad spirits listen to what you say out loud. Feelings are ephemeral. Truth is the compass. Inner recollection is a spiritual armor.

14. Be silent when you are scolded

Most of us have been reprimanded on occasion. We have no control over this, but we can control our response. The need to be right all the time can lead us to demonic pitfalls. God knows the truth. Silence is a protection. The devil can use justice to make us stumble.

15. Do not ask everyone's opinion, but that of your spiritual director; be as sincere and simple with him as a child

The simplicity of life can expel demons. Honesty is a weapon to defeat Satan, the liar. When we lie, we put a foot on his ground, and he will try to seduce us even more.

16. Don't be discouraged by ingratitude

Nobody likes to be underestimated, but when we are faced with ingratitude or insensitivity, the spirit of discouragement can be a burden for us. Resist any discouragement because it never comes from God. It is one of the most effective temptations of the devil. Be grateful for all the things of the day and you will emerge victorious.

17. Do not inquire with curiosity on the roads through which I lead you

The need to know and curiosity for the future are a temptation that has led many people to the dark rooms of the sorcerers. Choose to walk in faith. You decide to trust God who leads you on the way to heaven. Always resist the spirit of curiosity.

18. When boredom and despair knock on your heart, run away from yourself and hide in My Heart

Jesus offers the same message a second time. Now it refers to boredom. At the beginning of the Diary, he told Santa Faustina that the devil tempts idle souls more easily. Watch out for boredom, it's a spirit of lethargy or sloth. Idle souls are easy prey to demons.

19. Don't be afraid of the fight; courage alone often frightens temptations that dare not attack us

Fear is the devil's second most common tactic (pride is the first). Courage intimidates the devil, who will flee before the persevering courage found in Jesus, the rock. All people struggle, and God is our strength.

20. Always fight with the profound conviction that I am beside you

Jesus instructs a nun in a convent to "fight" with conviction. He can do it because Christ accompanies it. We Christians are called to fight with conviction against all demonic tactics. The devil tries to terrorize souls, we must resist demonic terrorism. Invoke the Holy Spirit during the day.

21. Do not let yourself be guided by sentiment because it is not always in your power, but all the merit lies in the will

All merit is based on will, because love is an act of will. We are completely free in Christ. We have to make a choice, a decision for good or bad. In which terrain do we live?

22. Always be submissive to superiors even in the smallest things
Christ is instructing a religious here. We all have the Lord as our Superior. Dependence on God is a weapon of spiritual warfare, because we cannot win with our own means. Proclaiming Christ's victory over evil is part of discipleship. Christ came to defeat death and evil, proclaim it!

23. I am not deluding you with peace and consolations; prepare for big battles

Saint Faustina suffered physically and spiritually. She was prepared for great battles for the grace of God who supported her. In the scriptures, Christ clearly instructs us to be prepared for great battles, to put on the armor of God and to resist the devil (Eph 6:11). Be careful and always discern.

24. Know that you are currently on the scene where you are observed from the earth and from all over the sky

We are all in a great scenario where heaven and earth look at us. What message are we offering with our life form? What kind of shades do we radiate: light, dark or gray? Does the way we live attract more light or more darkness? If the devil is unsuccessful in bringing us into darkness, he will try to keep us in the category of lukewarm, which is not pleasing to God.

25. Fight like a brave fighter, so that I can give you the prize. Don't be too afraid, since you are not alone

The words of the Lord in Santa Faustina can become our motto: fight like a knight! A knight of Christ knows well the cause for which he fights, the nobility of his mission, the king he serves, and with the blessed certainty of victory he fights to the end, even at the cost of his life. If an uneducated young woman, a simple Polish nun united with Christ, can fight like a knight, every Christian can do the same. Trust is victorious.