February 27 San Gabriele dell'Addolorata. Prayer to the Saint

O angelic young Gabriel, who with your ardent love for Jesus Crucified,

and with tender compassion to the Virgin Mother of Sorrows,

you made yourself a mirror of innocence and exemplary of every virtue on earth;

we turn to you full of trust and implore your help.

Deh! target how many evils afflict us, how many dangers surround us,

and as everywhere there are dangers to youth in singular ways,

to make her lose faith and customs. You, who always lived a life of faith,

and even among the inceptives of the century you kept yourself pure and free.

turn a pitying gaze upon us, and help us.

The graces you continually granted to the faithful who invoke you,

they are many, which we cannot and do not want to doubt

the effectiveness of your patronage.

Get us finally from Jesus Crucified and Mary of Sorrows,

resignation and peace; for constantly living as good

Christians in all the events of the present life, we can one day be

happy with you in the heavenly homeland. So be it.