O glorious St. John, who, even as a child, retired to the desert to lead the most austere and most holy life, obtain, please, the grace to always live, if not with the body, at least with the heart detached from this world, and in continuous exercise of mortification and penance.

Pater, Ave and Gloria

O glorious St. John that you were the first to recognize and proclaim Jesus Christ for the true Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, get us, we pray that our main study is to glorify Jesus Christ our Redeemer, and to faithfully follow everything what he deigned to teach us.

Pater, Ave and Gloria

O glorious St. John, who had the glory of being the first martyr of the new covenant, subjecting your head to the deadly cut with the greatest joy, obtain, please, always be like yourselves willing to sacrifice your life for the defense of the truth and for the glory of Jesus Christ, so that by breaking this fragile and unhappy life, we will ensure after death eternal and blessed life in the company of you or most blessed Precursor of the Messiah, not that of all the Angels and all the Saints in glory of Paradise.

Pater, Ave and Gloria