The new liturgical calendar brings together the feast of the three archangels in one day. In the New Testament the term "archangel" is attributed only to Michele, Gabriele and Raffaele.

Michele's cult first spread only in the East: in Europe it began at the end of the fifth century, after the appearance of the archangel on Mount Gargano. Michael is mentioned in the Bible in the book of Daniel as the first of the princes and custodians of the people of Israel; he is called archangel in the letter of Judah and in the book of Revelation. Michael is the one who leads the other angels to the battle against the dragon, that is, the devil, and defeats him.

His name, of Jewish origin, means: "Who is like God?".

The spread of the cult of the archangel Gabriel, whose name means "God is strong", is later: it stands around the year XNUMX. Gabriel is the angel sent by God, and in the Old Testament he is sent to the prophet Daniel to help him interpret the meaning of a vision and to predict the coming of the Messiah. In the New Testament he is present at the announcement of the birth of the Baptist in Zechariah, and in the Annunciation to Mary, messenger of the Incarnation of the Son of God.

Raffaele is one of the seven angels who, it is said in the book of Tobia, always stand before the Lord. It is the envoy of God who accompanies the young Tobi to collect a credit in the Media and brings him back safely to Assyria, together with Sara, the bride, who has healed from his illness, as Father Tobia will heal from his blindness. In fact, his name means "God's medicine", and he is revered as a healer.


Glorious Archangel Saint Michael who in reward of your zeal and courage showed pet the glory and honor of God against the rebel Lucifer and his followers you were not only confirmed in grace together with your adherents, but you were also constituted

Prince of the heavenly Court, protector and defender of the Church, advocate of good Christians and comforter of the agonizing ones, allow me to ask you to make me my mediator with God, and obtain from him the graces that are necessary to me.

Pater, Ave, Glory.

Glorious Archangel Saint Michael,

be our faithful protector in life and in death.

O most glorious prince of the heavenly militias, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the terrible fights and struggles that we must sustain in this world, against the infernal enemy.
Come to the aid of men, now fight with the army of the holy angels the battles of the lord, as you already fought against the head of the proud, Lucifer, and the fallen angels who followed him.
You invincible prince, help the people of God and bring about victory.
You who the Holy Church venerates as custodian and patron and takes pride in having his defender against the wicked of hell.
You to whom the Eternal has trusted souls to lead them in heavenly bliss, pray for us the God of peace, so that the devil may be humiliated and overcome and can no longer keep men under slavery, nor harm the holy Church.
Offer our prayers to the throne of the Most High so that his mercies may fall upon us and the infernal enemy can no longer seduce and lose the Christian people. So be it.

St. Michael the Archangel,
dear patron, sweet friend of my spirit, I contemplate the glory that places you there, before the SS. Trinity, close to the Mother of God.
Humbly Please: listen to my prayer and accept my offer.

Glorious St. Michael, prostrate here, I give myself forever to you and take refuge under Your shining wings.

To you I entrust my past to receive God's forgiveness.
I entrust my present to you so that you may accept my offer and find peace.
To you I entrust my future which I accept from the hands of God, comforted by your presence.
Michele Santo, I beg you: with Your light illuminates the path of my life.
With Your power, protect me from the evil of body and soul.
With your sword, defend me from the diabolical suggestion.

With your presence, assist me in the moment of death

and lead me to Heaven, to the place you have reserved for me.

Then we will sing together:

Glory to the Father who created us, to the Son who saved us

and to the Holy Spirit who sanctified us. Amen.

San Michele Arcangelo
to You, who are the Prince of all Angels,
I entrust my family.
Come before us with your sword
and chase away all sorts of evil.
Teach us the way that leads to our Lord.
I humbly ask you through the intercession of Mary Most Holy,
Your Queen and our Mother.


In the moment of trial, under your wings I take refuge,

glorious St. Michael and I invoke Your help.
With your powerful intercession, please present my petition to God

and obtain for me the graces necessary for the salvation of my soul.
Defend me from all evil and guide me on the path of love and peace.
St. Michael enlighten me.
St. Michael protect me.
St. Michael defend me.


O glorious Archangel St. Gabriel, I share the joy you felt in going as a heavenly Messenger to Mary, I admire the respect with which you presented yourself to her, the devotion with which you greeted her, the love with which, first among the Angels, you adored the Incarnate Word in his womb and I ask you to repeat the greeting you then addressed to Mary with your same sentiments and to offer with the same love the treats you then presented to the Word made Man, with the recitation of the Holy Rosary and the 'Angelus Domini. Amen.


Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy
Christ pity, Christ pity
Lord Mercy, Lord Mercy

Christ hear us, Christ hear us
Christ hear us, Christ hear us

Heavenly Father, God, have mercy on us
Son, Redeemer of the world, God, have mercy on us
Holy Spirit, God, have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, the only God, have mercy on us

(The following invocations are answered: Pray for us)
Santa Maria, Queen of angels
San Gabriel
Saint Gabriel, filled with the strength of God
Saint Gabriel, perfect worshiper of the Divine Word
San Gabriele, home of peace and truth
St. Gabriel, column of the temple of God
San Gabriele, admirable light of the Church
Saint Gabriel, messenger of the Holy Spirit
Saint Gabriel, most glorious prince of heavenly Jerusalem
Saint Gabriel, defender of the Christian faith
St. Gabriel, furnace of divine love
Saint Gabriel, propagator of the glory of Jesus Christ
Saint Gabriel, heavenly guardian of the blessed Virgin Mary
Saint Gabriel, you who from Heaven contemplated the mystery of the Word made flesh
Saint Gabriel, you who announced the Incarnation of the Word of God to Mary
Saint Gabriel, you who revealed the time of the Messiah's arrival to Daniel
Saint Gabriel, you who announced the birth of the Lord's forerunner to Zechariah
Saint Gabriel, you, whose gospel he praised:

"The Angel Gabriel was sent by God to the Virgin Mary"
San Gabriele, our lawyer

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, forgive us Lord
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Hear us Lord
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us, Lord

Pray for us, St. Gabriel the Lord our God

Let's pray.
O God, who among all the other angels
you chose the archangel Gabriel
to announce the mystery of your Incarnation,
grant that, after honoring your messenger on earth,
we will be able to taste the effects of his protection in Heaven.
You who are God, and who live and reign forever and ever. Amen


O glorious Archangel St Raphael who, after jealously guarding Tobias' son on his fortunate journey, finally made him safe and unharmed to his dear parents, united with a bride worthy of him, be a faithful guide to us too: overcome the storms and the rocks of this procellious sea of ​​the world, all your devotees can happily reach the port of blessed eternity. Amen.


Most noble Archangel San Raffaele, who from Syria to Media always accompanied the faithful young Tobia, deigned to accompany me, albeit a sinner, on the dangerous journey that I am now making from time to eternity.

Wise Archangel who, walking by the Tigris river, preserved the young Tobia from the danger of death, teaching him the way to take possession of that fish that threatened him, also preserves my soul from the assaults of all that is sin.


Most pitiful Archangel who prodigiously restored the blind Tobias to the sight, please free my soul from the blindness that afflicts and dishonors her, so that, knowing things in their true aspect, you will never let me be deceived by appearances, but you always walk safely in the way of divine commandments.

Most perfect Archangel who always stands before the throne of the Most High, to praise him, to bless him, to glorify him, to serve him, make sure that I too never lose sight of the divine presence, so that my thoughts, my words, my works always be directed to His glory and to my sanctification



(Cardinal Angelo Comastri)

O Raffaele, Medicine of God,
the Bible presents you as the Angel who helps,
the Angel who consoles, the Angel who heals.
Come alongside us on the road of our life
just as you did near Tobia
in a difficult and decisive moment of its existence
and you made him feel the tenderness of God
and the power of His love.

O Raffaele, Medicine of God,
today men present deep wounds in the heart:
pride has clouded the gaze
preventing men from recognizing themselves as brothers;
selfishness attacked the family;
impurity has taken away from man and woman
the joy of true, generous and faithful love.

Help us and help us rebuild families
May they be a mirror of the Family of God!

O Raffaele, Medicine of God,
many people suffer in soul and body
and they are left alone in their pain.

Drive on the path of human suffering
many good Samaritans!

Take them by the hand to make them comforters
able to wipe away tears and compare hearts.

Pray for us to believe
that Jesus is the true, great and sure Medicine of God. Amen.


May the Angel of Peace come from Heaven to our homes, Michael, bring peace and bring wars to hell, the source of many tears.

Come Gabriel, the Angel of strength, drive out the ancient enemies and visit the temples dear to Heaven, which He triumphed raised on Earth.

Let us assist Raffaele, the Angel who presides over health; come to heal all our sick and direct our uncertain steps along the paths of life.

Glorious Archangel Michael, prince of heavenly militias,

defend us against all our visible and invisible enemies

and never allow us to fall under their cruel tyranny.
St. Gabriel the Archangel, you who rightly are called the power of God, since you have been chosen to announce to Mary the mystery in which the Almighty was to wonderfully manifest the strength of his arm, make us know the treasures enclosed in the person of the Son of God and be our messenger to his holy Mother!
San Raffaele Arcangelo, charitable guide of travelers, you who, with divine power, perform miraculous healings, deign to guide us during our earthly pilgrimage and suggest the true remedies that can heal our souls and our bodies. Amen.