3 tips to know for your soul

1. You have a soul. Beware of the sinner who says: Dead body, everything is over. You have a soul that is the breath of God; it is a ray of divine wisdom; reasonable soul that distinguishes you from the brute; soul capable of immense love that brings you closer to the Angels; simple, spiritual, immortal soul, which carries within itself the image and resemblance to God: noble soul!

2. You have one soul. If you lose one hand, the other helps you, if you lose one eye the other helps you to see: but one soul has given you the Lord and the freedom to lose or save it. If you had two, you could lose one, provided the other is saved; but this is impossible: yet, you live as if you had ten! Have mercy on your soul (Eccli. 30, 24).

3. Woe if you lose your soul! With a little effort, with some mortification, with a little reflection, with a few well-made and constant prayers, you can come happily to the House of God, within him, immersed in the delights of God himself ... But only one mortal sin can drive your soul away from the highest good for all eternity, it can throw it into eternal fire and despair ... And perhaps you are currently in sin!