4 reasons why it is important to pray the Rosary every day

There are four main reasons why it is important pray the Rosary every day.


The Rosary gives the family a daily break to dedicate themselves to God.

In fact, when we say the Rosary, a family becomes more united and stronger.

St. John Paul II, in this regard, he said: "Praying the Rosary for children, and even more so, with children, training them from the earliest years to live this daily 'prayer break' with the family ... is a spiritual help not to be underestimated ".

The Rosary calms the noises of the world, brings us together and focuses us on God and not on ourselves.


The Rosary is an important weapon in our daily battle against sin.

Our strength is not enough in the spiritual life. We may think we are virtuous or good but it doesn't take long for an unexpected temptation to defeat us.

Il Catechism he says: "Man must fight to do what is right, and it is at a great cost to himself, and aided by the grace of God, who manages to achieve his own inner integrity." And this is also achieved through prayer.


The Rosary is the single greatest thing we can do for the Church in these difficult times.

Papa Francesco one day he told the story of when he was a bishop and joined a group that was praying the Rosary with Saint John Paul II:

“I was praying among the people of God to whom I and all of us belonged, led by our shepherd. I felt that this man, chosen to lead the Church, was walking a path back to his Mother in heaven, a path that began in his childhood. I understood the presence of Mary in the life of the Pope, a witness that he never stopped giving. From that moment on, I recite the 15 mysteries of the Rosary every day “.

What Bishop Bergoglio saw was the leader of the Church bringing all the faithful together in a single act of worship and petition. And it changed it. There is a great disunity within the Church today, real disunity, on substantive issues. But the Rosary unites us to what we have in common: on our mission, on Jesus our Founder on and Mary, our model. It also connects us to believers around the world, like an army of prayer warriors under the Pope.


A Fatima, Our Lady said it directly: “Say the Rosary every day, to bring peace to the world”.

John Paul II, among other things, asked to pray the Rosary every day after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001. Then, in a letter, he added another objective: “For the family, under attack all over the world”.

Reciting the rosary is not easy and there are various ways to make it less tiring. But it's worth doing. For ourselves and for the whole world. Everyday.

ALSO READ: We learn from Jesus how to pray and turn to God