5 blessings that can be received through prayer

La prayer it is a gift from the Lord that allows us to communicate directly with Him. We can thank Him, ask for graces and blessings and grow spiritually. But what does prayer promise? These are the five types of blessings we can receive if we pray.


What prayer promises

First of all, prayer can give us the strength to overcome challenges that life presents to us, whether physical, emotional, spiritual or mental. We can ask the Lord to give us the strength to resist temptation, to concentrate while studying for an exam or to complete a race without getting tired. He will make us strong if we sincerely ask.

No one is perfect and if we make mistakes through prayer we can ask forgiveness to the Lord. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, our sins can be forgiven when we sincerely confess them to Heavenly Father. Prayer is also a way to learn to forgive others and ourselves.


It happens often during the life of lose your way, of feeling lost. By praying we can ask the Lord to guide us and give us wisdom in the decisions we need to make. Prayer allows us to receive personal revelations, just as Joseph Smith received the answers to his questions in the Sacred Grove. Although we will not always have extraordinary visions or experiences, the Lord will answer us if we sincerely ask Him.

When we pray for a desire to do the will of the Lord, we will notice that our desires begin to align with His. This change of heart may take time, but gradually our motives, thoughts, words, and actions will move closer and closer to God's will.

Finally, the most important thing is that prayer gives us peace and allows us to receive comfort through the Holy Spirit, also called the Comforter. Even in difficult times, we can trust that the Sir he will give us peace.