5 strong prayers for peace in the house

In a world that seems to be constantly on opposite sides, you want your home to be a place of peace and unity. Here are 5 strong prayers for peace in the home.

Prayer for peace in the house
Lord Jesus, my Savior, you created the home as a refuge from that world. There we find comfort, support and understanding. It gives us an idea of ​​the unconditional love you have for each person. Support this house, Lord. Bless it and keep it, so that all members of this family can know the grace you have given us through Christ our Lord. In Your almighty name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for family unity
Gracious and Most Holy Father, a house cannot function if its members are not on the same page. How can we all walk together to disagree? Therefore, it helps us to unite for the goal of unity. Give us love and compassion for each other, so that this family can serve as a great example to others. Let our spiritual life flourish so that our bonds can grow closer in You. Amen.

Prayer to join together
Most Merciful Lord, your word never goes empty. It is effective and active in our lives and in our families. You talk about life in our homes and awaken the spirits of your people. Keep telling the truth in our hearts. Stimulate us to love and support each other, uniting us around your most holy word and zealous for good works. Amen.

Prayer for greater happiness
Lord God of Increase, family happiness is critical to their health and well-being. A family thrives and multiplies best when their family life is happy. Listen to this Lord and take him into consideration. Let happiness and contentment arise in our home. Help us love and relate to each other in a way that honors You and brings glory to Your name. Amen.

Prayer for family fun
O God of loving devotion, peace abounds in a home where stress is minimal. It is good that your people come together to rejoice in good company. I'm asking you to get him to my house. Let us spend moments of fun and excitement together. Let us rejoice in being around each other, because you are the most glorified when we are the most satisfied in you. Amen.