5 practical steps to increase holy wisdom

When we look at our Savior's example of how we should love, we see that “Jesus has grown in wisdom” (Luke 2:52). A proverb that is a constant challenge to me reflects the importance of such growth by stating, “The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge, but the mouth of fools feeds on foolishness” (Proverbs 15:14). In other words, an intelligent person purposely seeks knowledge, but fools nibble at random, vacuously chewing on words and ideas that have no value, no flavor and no nutrition.

What are we feeding you and me? Are we heeding this Biblical warning about the danger of "garbage in, garbage out?" May we intentionally seek knowledge and guard against wasting precious time on things that have no value. I know that I have longed and prayed for the knowledge and change of God in an area of ​​my life only to realize that two or three years have passed without my actively following his advice and seeking it.

I once learned from a friend a practical and fun way to set goals and remind myself to seek the wisdom of God and protect my mind with His truth. This practice has given me a path to follow and make sure I follow God with all my heart.

1. I create five files every year.
You're probably puzzled why this doesn't seem so spiritual. But stay with me!

2. Aim for competence.
Next, select five areas you want to become an expert in and label a file for each of them. A word of caution: choose areas from the spiritual realm. Do you remember the proverb? You don't want to feed on activities that have no value. Instead, choose topics of eternal value. To help you determine these five areas, answer the questions: "What do you want to be known for?" and "What topics do you want to associate your name with?"

I have a friend, Lois, for example, whose name many people associate with prayer. Whenever we needed someone in church to teach about prayer, lead a day of prayer for our women, or open a worship prayer meeting, everyone automatically thinks of her. For more than 20 years he has been studying what the Bible teaches about prayer, closely observing the Bible men and women praying, reading about prayer, and praying. Prayer is certainly one of his areas of expertise, one of his five ranks.

Another friend is known for his knowledge of the Bible. Whenever the women in church needed someone to lead a Bible investigation or provide an overview of the prophets, we called Betty. Yet another friend speaks to church groups about time management. These three women have become experts.

Over the years I have compiled a list of the files that students kept in my “Woman According to God's Heart” class. Here are some of the topics to stimulate your thinking. They range from practical methods (hospitality, health, children's education, housework, Bible study) to theological ones: attributes of God, faith, fruit of the Spirit. They include areas for ministry - Bible counseling, teaching, service, women's ministry - as well as character areas - devotional life, heroes of faith, love, virtues of devotion. They focus on lifestyles (single, parenting, organization, widowhood, the pastor's house) and focus on the personal: holiness, self-control, submission, contentment. Wouldn't you like to attend the lessons these women will teach in ten years or read the books they might write? After all, such personal spiritual growth is about preparing for the ministry. It is first about filling up so that you have something to give in the ministry!

3. Fill the files.
Start entering information into your files. They get fat as you diligently search and collect everything about your topic ... articles, books, trade magazines and news clippings ... attend seminars ... teach on the subject ... spend time with those who are the best in these areas, gathering their brains ... seek and refine your experience.

Above all, read your Bible to see firsthand what God says about your areas of interest. After all, his thoughts are the primary knowledge you desire. I even code my Bible. Pink highlights passages of interest to women and you are probably not surprised to learn that one of my five files is "Women". In addition to marking those steps in pink, I put a "W" in the margin next to them. Anything in my Bible that refers to women, wives, mothers, housewives, or Bible women has a "W" next to it. I did the same thing with "T" for teaching, "TM" for time management, etc. Once you have chosen your areas and set your code, I guarantee you will be so excited and motivated that you will wake up before the alarm goes off anxious to open the Word of God, pen in hand, to seek His wisdom on the areas in you want wisdom!

4. Watch yourself grow.
Never let months or years go by with half hopes that something will change in your life or you will approach God without any preparation and input from you. You will be delighted and amazed when you look back on your subjects and realize that God has worked in you, increasing your confidence that His truth will never forsake or forsake you.

5. Spread your wings.
Personal spiritual growth is about preparing for the ministry. It comes first to fill up so that you have something to give. As you continue your quest for knowledge on five spiritual topics, remember that you are working on this personal growth to serve others.

As my praying friend Lois filled her mind with the things of God and her lifelong study of prayer, she let that fullness fill others in the ministry. To serve others means to be filled with eternal things, things worth sharing. Our fullness becomes the overflow that is our ministry. It is what we must give and pass on to others. Like a dear mentor constantly trained inside of me, "Nothing to do equals nothing that comes out". May Jesus live and shine from you and me!