After the universal flood, Noah offered a sacrifice of praise and thanks to God and here the rainbow appears on the horizon, as if to wrap the sky and the earth in a single embrace. God appeased swore that he would never destroy the living on earth. The sacrifice offered by Noah was only the figure of the immolation of Christ, who, with the sacrifice of his own Blood, would pacify humanity with God. What is sin if not an act of war of man against his Creator? The act of war generates enmity. It is the man who, rebelling against God, becomes his enemy, provokes his anger and punishment. The blood of Jesus was shed to cancel this state of war. The four angels of the Apocalypse that God sends to punish the world hear a voice: "Do not pour the cup of revenge, because first those who must be preserved must be marked". "And who are they?" angels ask. The voice replies: "Those who washed their souls in the Blood of the Lamb." How much goodness of the Lord to us! Not only did he purify us with his Blood, but he also wanted to forget all our faults and proclaimed us his favorite children. We too respond with love to much love. What black ingratitude would be ours if we dared to offend him and betray him with sin, just as he, with paternal embrace embraces us to his Heart.

EXAMPLE: The saints, who more than others know the value of a soul, have made every effort to save not only their own, but also those of their neighbor. A tireless apostle was St. Francis Xavier, of the Society of Jesus, chosen by St. Gaspar as protector of the Missionaries and Sisters Adorers of the Blood of Christ. He abandoned the honors and comforts of his noble family, entered the Society of Jesus and crossed the oceans to bring the faith of Christ to the Indies and Japan. The Crucifix was his conquering sword. One day, traveling on the stormy sea, he was torn from the fury of the waves, but he unexpectedly got it back from a big crab the next day, while he was praying on the beach. After India and Japan, still thirsting for souls, he tried to penetrate China, but he could not fulfill his dream, because God wanted to call him to the prize of many labors. He died on the island of Sanciano, in front of Canton, on December 3, 1552. That arm, which baptized thousands of infidels, is exposed in the church of the Gesù in Rome.

PURPOSE: If by accident I fall into sin, I will think of the great sweetness that is felt when one is at peace with God, I will immediately ask for forgiveness and I will confess as soon as possible.

GIACULATORIA: Lamb of God, who with your Blood take away the sins of the world, have mercy on me.