6 ways that the Guardian Angels use to manifest themselves to us

Angels are our guardians and guides. They are divine spiritual beings of love and light who work with humanity to help us in this life, bringing us messages, guidance and help for our supreme good. Guardian angels are unique to each person; each of us has our own team. For some people this may be one angel, for others it may be many; and you can always ask for more if you feel the need.

Angels abide by the spiritual laws of the universe, because those laws are for all of humanity. The Law of free will means that each of us can freely choose what we want to create in our lives and that angels will not directly interfere in your life (unless you ask or if your life is in danger ahead of your time) . When you ask for help, your angels will primarily communicate through your feelings and intuitive signs that support your intuitive feelings.

When you directly ask your angels for help in something, you create a strong co-creation connection. Our angels can help us manifest virtually anything. This does not mean that you ask for $ 1,000,000 and it magically appears; this is not co-creation. Think of it this way, if your child asked you for help with doing something, like homework for example, you wouldn't be doing it just for them. You would help them with advice, resources, ideas and support. This method works because the learning and creation experience is valuable and results in growth and expansion; the same is true for the process of manifesting.

When we ask the Angels for help, especially by manifesting something that we clearly know we want and that is for our supreme good, they conspire on our behalf by giving or sending us inspiration, ideas, signs, resources, opportunities, helpers and many other fortuitous circumstances; all this leads to transform our intentions into reality. For your part, you must act on whatever happens to you; if you don't, you won't create anything.

Our prayers or intentions will be answered, but how it is not up to us. What happens to how we respond; with action or with dismissal. Taking responsibility for your part in creating your life is crucial. It is also vital to understand that, in truth, we are manifesting continuously. This is the Law of Attraction in action; all day, every day, without exception. Becoming aware of this fact, that we are constantly creating our reality and making conscious choices about what we are creating has a huge life-changing impact. What the Angels bring to the party is serendipity, guidance, miracles and extremely high vibrational energy that can truly accelerate and amplify the creation of your intentions and dreams.

Here are 6 ways your angels can help you manifest:

1. Ideas and inspiration
When you ask the Angels for help to manifest, one of the first ways they start helping is with new ideas and divine inspiration. The Angels communicate with us through our intuition, giving us a download of information that can help create the path to our dreams. Don't dismiss new ideas that come to your mind once you've asked your angels for help. It can be as simple as making a phone call to someone or as deep as starting a business. Whatever the light bulb or the aha moment; don't ignore and act on it.

2. Helpers
Once you know what you want and ask your angels for help, they start conspiring on your behalf. Angels often work through other people; those who, in some way, can give you information, support or collaboration. Angels can put you in the minds of people who can help you in unexpected ways. If you ask for it directly, prepare for help offers from people you could never imagine and be sure to accept them.

3. Resources
Angels are masters in serendipity. When you ask them for help to demonstrate, definitely focus on what you want and leave as they will help you; this leaves the door open for limited possibilities. The resources you need for every effort will fall together and will come to you much more easily if you can give up. When you push and give instructions, instead of intentions, you create road blocks to resources. Angels see the big picture, they know what you need and, above all, when you need it. Expect the unexpected as resources such as funding, materials or products (and more) arrive without you needing to struggle, fight or worry. Act and use these resources; if you don't feel safe, ask for a sign

4. Opportunities
When opportunity knocks, you must respond! When you ask the Angels for help, there will be new and even unexpected opportunities that will come your way. The biggest problem people seem to have with this form of help is acting on them; usually out of fear or lack of faith (mainly in oneself). Taking the opportunity primarily requires you to believe in yourself and have faith to move forward. The timing is right and the opportunity will help you, if you believe it. Taking an opportunity will accelerate the manifestation, avoiding it could impede your progress. Just believe in yourself; your angels do.

5. Clarity
Being clear about what we really want is absolutely the most vital part of the manifestation; if you are not completely sure what you want, you cannot create it. It can be a struggle to have this level of clarity; Feelings of doubt tend to keep people from voicing what they really want, so they are content from the start and never completely create from their truest intentions. When you ask the Angels for help, they constantly push you towards big dreams; not the smaller ones that you are willing to please and accept. The Angels don't play small and they give you help so that you don't either. They are also excellent at uncovering problems within your intentions that could block your manifestation process. For example, let's say you find your dream home and want to buy it, but you need to sell your current home. Many people focus all of their time, energy, and intention on selling their current home; this can lead to getting stuck in the sales phase. Clarity of intention means that you focus on what you really want, not on the path to achieving it. In this case, the focus is better placed on the dream house; visualize decorating it and focusing all the time and energy on that house. Clarity takes you to your destination so that your intention is clear; making the path towards its unfolding easier. Clarity takes you to your destination so that your intention is clear; making the path towards its unfolding easier. Clarity takes you to your destination so that your intention is clear; making the path towards its unfolding easier.

6. Blocks
It would seem strange that a blockade will help us demonstrate, but it can be very valuable in certain circumstances. While the Angels will send us opportunities when we ask for help, we are also continually attracting opportunities with our vibration. Sometimes, we can attract an opportunity that isn't really for our greatest good; one that will inevitably waste our time and cause stress. This can happen due to our lower vibrating energy usually resulting from impatience and doubt or perhaps we want to take the easy way out. When these types of opportunities arise, you will suffer from them. Maybe you won't have the resources you need (like money), or maybe communication is difficult (you can't get in touch with the people involved), or maybe weird things happen (your car won't start when you have to go to a meeting), perhaps a good friend questions the opportunity (confirming your feelings about it), or perhaps you feel tension in your stomach (your solar plexus chakra responding to low vibrating energy). You may even experience all of these blocks in a short time; pay attention and let it go. Manifestation should be a process that flows with inspired action, not one that you have to push impatiently.