6 prayers to activate your Angels

Angels are always everywhere around you. They watch over you and leave signs of their presence in your daily life. This does not mean, however, that they will always interfere in your life without your request. Sometimes they hold back their assistance and wait for you to recognize that you need it. In such cases, you may be stubborn or contrary. You may even become bitter. Why else, after all, would your angels abandon you? Don't despair. You have not been abandoned by your angels. I'm still with you. They are simply waiting for you to join them and ask for their help. If you feel that your angels have been of little use recently, stop and consider your actions. Did you actively contact to try to contact your angels? Did you ask them for their help, or did you simply expect them to take action to solve your problems while you remain unaware of their presence? If you haven't done your part, start doing it now. Use these six prayers to activate your angels and bring their heavenly guidance and assistance into your life.

Call a specific angel.

Some angels have specific areas in which they specialize. Archangel Michael, for example, is known to be an expert in protecting Christians against evil, temptation and harm. As such, when you need protection, Archangel Michael is a good angel to call on. It could be protection from physical damage or from mental or spiritual attacks. The classic prayer used to invoke St. Michael is “St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the evil and the devil's traps. May God rebuke him, let us pray humbly; and you, o Prince of the celestial host, by the power of God, threw Satan and all the evil spirits that wander the world in search of the ruin of souls. Amen." Even if you don't plan on entering a traditional physical battle, you can probably think of times when you were "fighting" against a harrowing colleague, a lying neighbor or a two-sided friend. Michael can still help protect you in those battles if you are willing to contact him and ask for his assistance to resist the storm.

Contact your guardian angel.

You may have connections to a variety of angels, but your relationship with your guardian angel will always be special. They are, in many ways, alone and yours. Therefore, you two will be close to each other spiritually. When you need the help of angels, your guardian angel is the best place to start looking for assistance. Reaching your guardian angel should be easier than activating any other angel. After all, your guardian angel is special to you.

To reach your guardian angel, you can use a self-made prayer or you can use a traditional pre-written prayer addressed to the guardian angels. One of the most popular versions of the prayers for guardian angels is: “Angel of God, my dear guardian to whom his love commits me here, never today to be by my side to illuminate and guard to govern and guide. Amen." You can use this wholesale prayer as a base for yours or create something completely new. It is up to you.

Look for a human angel.

It is not a mistake that sometimes people talk about others as if they were angelic. They could actually be a human angel or a masked angel. The Bible describes as none other than the archangel Raphael once disguised himself as a human being and traveled with Tobias for weeks without anyone noticing that something was wrong with this stranger. Your friend who appears to be operating on a different and more divine wavelength than anyone else may not be secretly an archangel on a holy mission, but may have his own set of angel wings. Sometimes they are also exactly what you need. Humans are very good at ignoring even the most flagrant of the signs of God and angels. As such, the best person to help you is sometimes another human being, or at least, someone who appears to be nothing but another mere mortal, regardless of their true nature.

Ask God to send you the right angel for the task.

God has an infinite number of angels at his command. He also knows exactly which angel is the right one to help you in your struggles. You could ask Archangel Michael to help and protect you, but protection may not be what you need. You may actually need guidance or healing. In that case, when you ask God to send you the right angel, you will be more likely to receive a visit from the Archangel Raphael whose name itself means "God heals" or "healing power of God".

If you continue to ask for help but your problem continues to torment you, entrust it to God. Ask God to send the right angel to your side and allow you to recognize their presence in your life. Once you know they are there, thank both the angel for coming and God for sending them.

Read the signs that angels send you.

Have you ever turned the house upside down looking for something that was right in front of you? You go through each drawer of the closet to desperately look for the clock just to look down after 15 minutes of frantic charlatan and see that you have worn it all the time. Likewise, you may have searched everywhere for your keys that you didn't notice were the only thing on the table near the door. This same phenomenon can occur with angels. You may desperately seek angelic assistance, but you have completely ignored the signs and suggestions that the angels of your life have left you. If you can't find an answer or any help, take a break and look around to see what answers might be right in front of you. Pray for a clear view so you can see what signs the angels left you and if that fails, ask your angels to be absolutely obvious. Sometimes, you need a neon sign instead of the subtleties that angels tend to use.

Try to solve it yourself.

Sometimes your angels seem to have abandoned you because they are waiting for you to try to solve the problem yourself. This is not something anyone likes, but angels also practice hard love on those occasions when you really need a kick in your pants. Do not think this means that angels have abandoned you to wiggle helplessly. Even when your angels are making you solve something on your own, you are not alone. They are there with you and will help you if you really need it. However, they will not complete the activity for you. If you feel yourself sinking, know that angels will keep their heads out of the water. They won't drown you, but you are responsible for swimming on the shore. If you know that your angels are present and listening but seem to be holding open assistance,

Angels are always there for you, but sometimes you have to get in touch with them instead of waiting for them to come to you. They are always happy and able to help, but if they seem to have been silent for too long, you must make sure to invite them into your life and ask for their assistance. It could be all you need to do to gain some heavenly guidance and assistance in your life.