6 main steps of repentance: gain God's forgiveness and feel spiritually renewed

Repentance is the second principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ and is one of the ways in which we can demonstrate our faith and devotion. Follow these six stages of repentance and receive God's forgiveness.

Feel the divine pain
The first step in repentance is to recognize that you have committed a sin against Heavenly Father. Not only do you have to experience true divine sorrow for disobeying His commandments, but you also need to feel pain for whatever pain your actions may have caused to other people.

Divine pain is different from worldly pain. Worldly sorrow is simply regret, but it doesn't make you want to repent. When you truly experience divine sorrow, you are fully aware of the sin you have committed against God, and therefore you actively work towards repentance.

Confess to God
Next, not only must you feel pain for your sins, you must also confess and abandon them. Some sins just have to be confessed to God. This can be done through prayer, openly and honestly. Some denominations, such as Catholicism or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, require the confession of a priest or bishop. This requirement is not intended to scare, but to protect against excommunication and provide a safe environment in which to free oneself and receive penance.

Ask for forgiveness
Asking for forgiveness is key to receiving God's forgiveness. At this point, you must ask for forgiveness from God, whoever you have offended in some way, and yourself.

Obviously, asking for forgiveness from Heavenly Father must be done through prayer. Asking others for forgiveness must be done face to face. If you have committed the sin of revenge, regardless of how slight the original is, you must also forgive others for hurting you. This is a way of teaching humility, a cornerstone of the Christian faith.

Make the return
If you've done something wrong or done something wrong, you need to try to fix it. Committing a sin can cause physical, mental, emotional and spiritual harm that is difficult to correct. If you cannot solve the problems caused by your actions, sincerely ask those you are wrong to forgive and try to find another way to show your change of heart.

Some of the more serious sins, such as murder, cannot be corrected. It is impossible to restore what is lost. However, we must do the best we can, despite the obstacles.

Sin abandoned
Recommend that you obey God's commandments and promise him that you will never repeat sin. Make a promise to yourself that you will never repeat sin. If you feel comfortable doing it, and if it is appropriate, make a promise to others - friends, family, pastor, priest or bishop - that you will never repeat sin. Supporting others can help you stay strong and keep your decision.

Receive forgiveness
The scriptures tell us that if we repent of our sins, God will forgive us. Furthermore, he promises us he won't remember them. Through the Atonement of Christ we are able to repent and be cleansed of our sins. Don't hold back your sin and the pain you felt. Let him go by truly forgiving yourself, just as the Lord has forgiven you.

Each of us can be forgiven and feel the glorious feeling of peace that comes from sincere repentance. Allow God's forgiveness to come across you and when you feel at peace with yourself, you can know that you are forgiven.