6 tales of Padre Pio about the Guardian Angel

An Italian American residing in California often commissioned his Guardian Angel to report to Padre Pio what he thought would help him know. One day after confession, he asked the Father if he really felt what he was saying to him through the angel. "And what" - replied Padre Pio - "do you think I am deaf?" And Padre Pio repeated to him what a few days earlier he had made known to him through his Angel.

Father Lino told. I was praying to my Guardian Angel to intervene with Padre Pio in favor of a lady who was very ill, but it seemed to me that things did not change at all. Padre Pio, I prayed to my Guardian Angel to recommend that lady - I told him as soon as I saw him - is it possible that he didn't do it? - “And what do you think, that is disobedient like me and like you?

Father Eusebio told. I was going to London by plane, against the advice of Padre Pio who did not want me to use this means of transport. As we flew over the English Channel a violent storm put the plane in danger. Out of general terror, I recited the act of pain and, not knowing what else to do, I sent the Guardian Angel to Padre Pio. Back in San Giovanni Rotondo I went to the Father. "Guagliò" - he said - "How are you? Everything went fine?" - "Father, I was losing my skin" - "Then why don't you obey? - "But I sent her the Guardian Angel ..." - "And thank goodness that he arrived on time!"

A lawyer from Fano was returning home from Bologna. He was behind the wheel of his 1100 in which his wife and two children were also located. At some point, feeling tired, he wanted to ask to be replaced by the guide, but the eldest son, Guido, was sleeping. After a few kilometers, near San Lazzaro, he too fell asleep. When he woke up he realized that he was a couple of kilometers from Imola. FuoriFOTO10.jpg (4634 byte) screaming from himself, he shouted: “who drove the car? Did anything happen? ”… - No - they answered him in chorus. The eldest son, who was at his side, woke up and said he had slept soundly. His wife and younger son, incredulous and amazed, said they had noticed a different way of driving than usual: sometimes the car was about to end up against other vehicles but at the last moment, he avoided them with perfect maneuvers. The way of taking the curves was also different. "Above all," said the wife, "we were struck by the fact that you remained motionless for a long time and no longer answered our questions ..."; “I - the husband interrupted her - could not answer because I was sleeping. I slept for fifteen kilometers. I have not seen and I have not heard anything because I was sleeping…. But who drove the car? Who prevented the catastrophe? ... After a couple of months the lawyer went to San Giovanni Rotondo. Padre Pio, as soon as he saw him, putting a hand on his shoulder, said to him: "You were asleep and the Guardian Angel was driving your car." The mystery was revealed.

A spiritual daughter of Padre Pio traveled along a country road that would take her to the Capuchin Convent where Padre Pio himself was waiting for her. It was one of those winter days, whitewashed by the snow where the large flakes that came down made the journey even more difficult. Along the road, totally covered with snow, the lady was sure that she would not arrive in time for the appointment with the friar. Full of faith, she commissioned her Guardian Angel to warn Padre Pio that due to bad weather she would arrive at the convent with considerable delay. When she reached the convent she was able to see with great joy that the friar was waiting for her behind a window, from where, smiling, she greeted her.

Sometimes the Father, in the sacristy, stopped and greeted also kissing some friend or spiritual son and I, said a man, looking with holy envy on the lucky one, I said to myself: "Blessed is he! ... If I were in his place! Blessed! Lucky him! On December 24, 1958 I am on my knees, at his feet, for confession. At the end, I look at him and, while the heart beats with emotion, I dare say to him: “Father, today is Christmas, can I send you a good wishes by giving you a kiss? And he, with a sweetness that cannot be described with a pen but only imagined, smiles at me and: "Hurry up, my son, don't waste my time!" He hugged me too. I kissed him and like a bird, joyful, I flew to the exit full of heavenly delights. And what about the beating on the head? Each time, before leaving from San Giovanni Rotondo, I wanted a sign of particular preference. Not only his blessing but also two taps on the head like two fatherly caresses. I must stress that he never made me miss what, as a child, I showed that I wanted to receive from him. One morning, there were many of us in the sacristy of the small church and while Father Vincenzo loudly exhorted, with his usual severity, saying: "do not push ... do not shake the hands of the Father ... go back!", I am almost disheartened, to myself I repeated: "I will leave, this time without the beating on the head." I did not want to resign myself and I asked my Guardian Angel to be a messenger and to repeat to Father Pio verbatim: “Father, I am leaving, I want the blessing and the two blows on the head, as always. One for me and the other for my wife. " "Go wide, go wide," Father Vincenzo repeated as Father Pio began to walk. I was anxious. I looked at him with a sense of sadness. And here he is, he approaches me, smiles at me and once again the two taps and also the hand makes me kiss. - "I would give you a lot of blows, but many!". So he had to tell me the first time.

A woman was sitting on the square of the Capuchin church. The church was closed. It was late. The woman prayed with the thought, and repeated with the heart: "Padre Pio, help me! My angel, go and tell the Father to come to my aid, otherwise my sister dies! ". From the window above, he heard the Father's voice: “Who is calling me at this hour? What's up? The woman said of her sister's illness, Padre Pio went to bilocation and healed the patient.