7 signs that tell you that your Guardian Angel is next to you

Angels are spiritual beings who guide us through channeled messages, dreams and direct reception of insights.

Therefore, there are many signs that show us that angels are around us and are trying to contact us. These signs may seem small and meaningless at first but can increase in frequency and size over time.

These spiritual beings send us signs that represent a symbolic reminder of their love and support.

Here, then, are some of the more common signs of angels.


If you find feathers in your path, it is one of the signs of the angels. This is a sign that tells us that the Angels are close to you, they love you and support you. If you live in this situation, enjoy this powerful angelic sign.


If you notice a cloud that looks like an angel, it means that your angel is close to you and in this way it is showing its presence.


If you feel a sweet and delicious scent and are unable to identify the source, it means that your angel is close to you.


If you notice a child looking up and smiling at the ceiling or looking up excitedly, the guardian angel is present. When an angel is present, children and pets seem to be comfortable.


If you hear an angelic chant or a beautiful sound that you cannot explain, it could be a clear sign of your angel.


If you keep finding coins, it is a sign of your angel and a symbol of support. So if you find coins, you should know that you are loved, supported and driven.


If you start noticing spheres, unexplained flashes of light, or flashes of color, your guardian angel is nearby. If you feel this, you should close your eyes, relax and breathe as your angel is trying to support and benefit you.