8 things your Guardian Angel wants you to know about him

Each of us has his own Guardian Angel, but we often forget to have one. It would be easier if he could talk to us, if we could look at him, but then what faith would we talk about, if it were enough to open our eyes and ears? He cannot communicate explicitly with us, but he has the possibility of whispering the right decisions, the wrong ways, words of comfort and encouragement to our consciences. If you could talk to us for a minute, what would you tell us?

"You have a Guardian Angel, and it's me"

As already said, too often we forget the boundless Love that God has shown us by assigning each of us a Guardian Angel.

"I was created for you and only for you"

Guardian Angels are not recyclable. It does not happen that at our death they are assigned to another person. Our Guardian Angel has as its sole purpose the well-being of his protégé.

"I can't read you in thought"

Omniscience is a characteristic of God, and it is not attested that the Guardian Angels are invested with this charism. This is why we need to find ways to explain and understand his suggestions with him.

"I can help you in difficult choices"

Being able to listen to your Angel also means having more chances to make the right decisions.

"I can protect you both physically and spiritually"

Contrary to popular belief, Angels can take care not only of our soul, but also of our body. The important thing is to know how to ask.

"For me you will never be a burden"

The love of a Guardian Angel towards us is boundless. Nothing could discourage him, nor cause his resentment.

"Will never leave you"

It is always a matter of Love, not of imposed duty, the fact that the Angel is always with us. It is enough to know how to accept this Love, to derive the benefits for which it is nourished every day.

"If you don't believe me, read the Bible"

Numerous passages from the Holy Scriptures in which the Guardian Angels are mentioned, or simply describe their duties.

Source. Cristianità.it