8 things every Christian should know about Angels

"Be sober, watch, because your adversary, the devil, goes around like a roaring lion looking for who he can devour.". 1 Peter 5: 8.

Are we humans the only ones with intelligent life in the universe?

The Catholic Church has always believed and taught that the answer is NO. The universe is actually full of many called spiritual beings angels.

Here are some important things every Christian should know about God's messengers

1 - Angels are absolutely real

“The existence of spiritual, incorporeal beings, which Sacred Scripture usually calls angels, is a truth of faith. The testimony of Scripture is as clear as the unanimity of Tradition ”. (Catechism of the Catholic Church 328).

2 - Every Christian has a guardian angel

The Catechism, in passage 336, quotes St. Basil when he says "every believer has an angel at his side as protector and shepherd, to lead him to life".

3 - Demons are also real

All angels were originally created good but some of them chose to disobey God. These fallen angels are called "demons".

4 - There is a spiritual warfare for human souls

Angels and demons fight a real spiritual war: some want to keep us next to God, the second far away.

The same devil tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

5 - St. Michael the Archangel is the leader of the army of God's angels

St. Michael leads the good angels in the spiritual battle against the fallen angels. Its literal name means "Who as God?" and represents his faithfulness to God when the angels rebelled.

6 - Satan is the leader of the fallen angels

Like all demons, Satan was a good angel who decided to turn away from God.

In the Gospels, Jesus resists Satan's temptations. calling him "the father of lies", a "murderer from the beginning", and he said that Satan only came to "steal, kill and destroy".

7 - The spiritual battle is also there when we pray

The Our Father includes the request "deliver us from evil". The Church also urges us to recite the prayer of St. Michael the Archangel written by Leo XIII. Fasting is also traditionally considered a spiritual weapon.

The best way to combat demonic forces is to live according to the teachings of Christ.

8 - MMany saints fought, even physically, against the demons

Some saints physically fought against demons, others heard howls, roars. Surprising creatures have also appeared that have even set things on fire.