8 things a Christian needs to do at home when he can't go out

Many of you probably made a Lenten promise last month, but I doubt if any of them were totally isolated. Yet the first season of Lent, the original 40 days that dragged Jesus into the desert, were spent in isolation.

We are struggling with the transition. This is not new, but the pace of these frightening transitions has now become emotional for many. We are anxious about the possible results and overwhelmed by the new challenges of social distancing. Parents are balancing themselves by becoming sudden homeschoolers, many as they try to keep their jobs afloat. Older people are trying to satisfy their needs without getting sick. And many feel lonely and helpless.

In his homily on Sunday, which the parishioners looked online instead of at the pews, our pastor explained that we may not know what to expect, but as a community of faith we know that God does not lead us to fear. Instead, God gives us the tools we need - such as patience and prudence - which in turn lead to hope.

Coronavirus has already wiped out so much, but it hasn't wiped out love, trust, faith, hope. Here are some ideas to help you spend time at home with these virtues in mind.

Stay connected
Many of us lost physical mass last weekend, but check your parish website to find out how to stay in touch with your community. Catholic TV offers many options for putting online: you can even celebrate with Pope Francis from the comfort of your sofa. YouTube can be a rabbit hole, but also a treasure trove of Sunday services and interesting church tours. Obviously we cannot travel right now, but this does not prevent any of us from taking a virtual tour of the Vatican Museums.

Feed your soul
Even with the wonderful resource of putting online, many still miss the Eucharist in this period. Homemade bread cannot replace the current sacrament, but it can be a comforting ritual to add to your daily life.

Baking bread requires patience and requires a little strength and physicality, making it an excellent anti-stress. It's great if you need solitude, but it can also be a fun family activity. The soothing smell of freshly baked bread is sure to lift morale and the reward is delicious.

Are you still interested in the variety of unleavened communion wafers? A group of Passionist nuns in Kentucky can show you all of this here.

Go out
If you can go outside, take advantage of it. Being in nature, feeling the sun or rain and breathing fresh air all have a long list of benefits, both mental and physical. We are social creatures and this moment of confinement is very new for many of us, but being in nature can help us shift our perspective and allow us to feel connected to the world as a whole.

If you live in a community that has decided to take shelter on the spot, you can still open the windows and watch some good documentaries about nature on Netflix.

Playing music
Do you have a tool that collects dust in the corner? Now you may finally have time to learn a song or two! You can also download a music app: both Moog and Korg Synthesizer have released free apps to create music to help lift spirits and take time during this pandemic.

Scientific studies have shown that music can improve your mood. You do not believe me? Watch these guys sing for Pope Francis. It is simply beautiful.

You should sing too. The Bible repeatedly tells us how God wants to hear us sing. Not only does he glorify God, but he also has the power to strengthen us, unite us and help us find joy.

Find a hobby
When was the last time you played a board game or made a puzzle? I've spent years scolding myself for keeping a basket full of yarn and knitting needles and a box full of embroidery, but this week I feel justified knowing that they might not go to waste.

Hobbies are important because they develop creativity, promote concentration and negate stress. If you like to knit or crochet but don't know where to start, check with your parish. Maybe they have a ministry of prayer shawl or are trying to create one.

If you are not a smart guy, there are many hobbies to do and if nothing else: read. Most of the bookstores are closed right now, but many offer free digital downloads or audiobook options.

Learn a language
Learning a new language is not only a great exercise for our brain, it is also a great way to keep in touch. These past few weeks have been humiliating for humanity as a whole and have opened our eyes to different cultures. Learning a new language can also be like this, and it is a way for us to show respect for our common world.

Again, the Internet is a treasure trove of resources. There are many free websites and apps to help you learn any number of languages. YouTube, Spotify and Netflix also have options.

Our rhythms and routines may have shifted somewhat right now, but it's not the time to neglect our bodies. Exercise gives us a sense of purpose, keeps us agile, increases our immunity and builds strength. It is also a great way to add some physical prayers to our spiritual routine. Soulcore is a great way to combine prayer with movement and is easy to do right at home.

Calm your mind
If your mind is racing right now, those pressures are likely to leave us anxious and agitated. Meditation is a proven way to calm the mind, and walking through a maze is a wonderful way to meditate.

Although many of us cannot go out into a public maze, there are many options we can make at home. If you have enough space, consider building your maze. It can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish and you can find some ideas here. If you are limited on the inside but have an open space, you can create a DIY route with post-it notes or string.

You can also print a maze of fingers: tracing the lines with your fingers is a relaxing and effective way to eliminate the stresses that clutter your mind.

We are a company that constantly wants to have more time and even if the world seems to crumble around us, it is okay to take advantage of this moment. Use it to relax, reconnect and even have fun.

On Monday Pope Francis spoke of those locked up in his homily, saying: “The Lord help them to discover new ways, new expressions of love, of living together in this new situation. It is a wonderful opportunity to creatively rediscover affection. "

I hope we can all see it as an opportunity to rediscover affection - for our God, for our families, for the needy and for ourselves. If you have time this week, I hope you can use it for your friends' FaceTime or start a group text thread and fill it with silly gifs. I hope you can go ashore and play with your kids or cats. I hope we all take the time to consider those who are unable to isolate themselves safely (first responders, nurses and doctors, single parents, hourly wage workers) and find ways to help them overcome this struggle.

Let's take some time to check those who are truly isolated: those who live alone, the elderly, the physically vulnerable. And please, remember that we are all in solidarity right now, not only as Catholics, but as humanity