March 8 women's day: the role of women in God's plan

God has a beautiful plan for femininity that will bring order and fulfillment if he is followed in obedience. God's plan is that a man and woman, of equal position before him but of different roles, must be united together. In his wisdom and grace, he created each for his own role.

At creation, God made a deep sleep fall on Adam, and from him God took a rib and made a woman (Genesis 2: 2 1). It was a direct gift of the hand of God, made by man and for man (1 Corinthians 11: 9). "Male and female created them", (Genesis 1:27) each different but made to complement and complement each other. Although the woman is considered the "weakest ship" (1 Peter 3: 7), this does not make her inferior. It was created with a purpose in life that only she can fill.

The woman has been given one of the greatest privileges in the world, that of shaping and nurturing a living soul.

Her influence, especially in the realm of motherhood, influences the eternal destination of her children. Although Eve condemned the world with her act of disobedience, God considered women worthy of a part in the redemption plan (Genesis 3:15). "But when the fullness of time came, God sent his Son, made of a woman." (Galatians 4: 4). He entrusted her with the bearing and care of her dear Son. The role of the woman is not insignificant!

A distinction between the sexes is taught throughout the Bible. Paul teaches if a man has long hair, it is a pity for him, but if a woman has long hair, it is a glory for her (1 Corinthians 11: 14,15). "A woman will not wear what belongs to a man, nor will a man wear a woman's dress: for all she does is abomination for the Lord your God" (Deuteronomy 22: 5). Their roles don't have to be interchangeable.

In the Garden of Eden, God said, "It is not a good thing for man to be alone," and he has helped to meet him, a companion, someone to satisfy his needs (Genesis 2:18).

Proverbs 31: 10-31 tells in detail what kind of help the woman should be. The supporting role of the wife to the husband is very evident in this description of the ideal woman. She "will do him good and not evil". Because of her honesty, modesty and chastity, "her husband is confident in her." With his efficiency and diligence he would have looked well at his family. The basis of her virtue is found in verse 30: "a woman who fears the Lord." This is a reverent fear that gives meaning and purpose to his life. Only when the Lord lives in his heart can he be the woman he was meant to be.