9 Practical devotionals for Christian men

Man alone praying, low key and monochrome

These devotionals offer practical encouragement to help Christian men guide their faith in today's world.


Too proud to ask for help
If pride prevents you from asking God for help, your Christian life will have no chance. You cannot go alone and resist temptation, make wise decisions and get up when you are shot down. This devotional helps you learn how to break the cycle of pride and get into the habit of asking God for help.


Lessons from a carpenter
This devotional takes male readers to the village of Nazareth to examine the life of Joseph, the carpenter and his son Jesus. During the journey, you will encounter three rules of thumb for men.


How to survive a power outage
Being helpless is every man's worst nightmare. Sooner or later it will happen. Maybe your wedding will be in trouble. Perhaps you will have to watch one of your parents slowly die of cancer or Alzheimer's. Or maybe something will happen at work and you will lose your job. This devotional illuminates the keys to receiving the power of God and surviving the failures of the power of life.


Is Ambition Non-Biblical?
Every man has a competitive nature and Christian men are no different. This devotional encourages Christian men to take a moment to consider the dignity of their ambitions. In the light of eternity, what activities will bring the greatest rewards?


Can Christian Men Be Successful in the Workplace?
Find out how to have a successful career and still be a Christian example. This reading presents lessons thirty years of work in the business world.


Who do you want to go with?
Does peer pressure end in high school? For most of us, the answer is no. Even for a long time in adulthood, we continue to pursue the feeling of security that comes from "adaptation". This reading offers sensible advice to Christian men grappling with the need to adapt.

Read on below


Examples of idolatry
What does idolatry look like today? Explore modern examples of idolatry and discover the ever-open U-turn that God offers on the rebellious path of idolatry.


The dilemma for Christian men
As a Christian, how can you live your faith without compromise in a world full of temptations? Discover some practical tips to help you resist and let Christ conform you to an uncompromising pious Christian.


Second thoughts on becoming Christian
Are you a Christian man who feels primarily like a fool and rarely as a faithful follower of Christ? You are not alone. In this devotional, you will be reminded that even the greatest men of the Bible had second thoughts.