Reflect today on the image of Jesus the Good Shepherd

Jesus the Good Shepherd. Traditionally, this fourth Sunday of Easter is called the "Sunday of the good shepherd". This is because this Sunday's readings of all three liturgical years come from the tenth chapter of the Gospel of John in which Jesus clearly and repeatedly teaches about his role as a good shepherd. What does it mean to be a shepherd? More specifically, how is it that Jesus acts perfectly as the Good Shepherd of us all?

Jesus said: “I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. A hired man, who is not a shepherd and whose sheep are not his own, sees a wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away, and the wolf captures and scatters them. This is because he works for salary and does not worry about the sheep “. John 10:11

The image of Jesus being a shepherd is a captivating image. Many artists have shown Jesus as a kind and gentle man who holds a sheep in his arms or on his shoulders. In part, it is this sacred image that we place before the eyes of our mind today to reflect. This is an inviting image and helps us turn to our Lord, as a child addresses a parent in need. But while this gentle and endearing image of Jesus as a shepherd is quite inviting, there are other aspects of his role as a shepherd that should also be considered.

The gospel quoted above gives us the heart of Jesus' definition of the most important quality of a good shepherd. He is one who "lays down his life for the sheep". Willing to suffer, out of love, for those entrusted to his care. He is one who chooses the life of the sheep over his own life. At the heart of this teaching is sacrifice. A shepherd is sacrificial. And being sacrificial is the truest and most accurate definition of love.

The image of Jesus being a shepherd is a captivating image

Although Jesus is the "good shepherd" who gave his life for all of us, we must also strive every day to imitate his sacrificial love for others. We must be Christ, the Good Shepherd, for others every day. And the way we do this is to look for ways to give our lives to others, putting them first, overcoming any selfish tendencies and serving them with our life. Love is not just about living captivating and moving moments with others; first of all, love means being sacrificial.

Reflect today on these two images of Jesus the Good Shepherd. First, meditate on the tender and kind Lord who welcomes and cares for you in a holy, compassionate, and loving way. But then turn your eyes to the Crucifixion. Our good shepherd has truly given his life for all of us. His pastoral love led him to suffer a lot and to give his life so that we could be saved. Jesus was not afraid to die for us, because his love was perfect. We are the ones who are important to him, and he was willing to do whatever it took to love us, including sacrificing his life for love. Meditate on this most holy and pure sacrificial love and strive to offer this same love more fully to all those you are called to love.

Prayer Jesus our Good Shepherd, I thank you deeply for having loved me to the point of sacrificing your life on the Cross. You love me not only with the utmost tenderness and compassion, but also in a sacrificial and selfless way. As I receive Your divine love, dear Lord, help me also imitate Your love and sacrifice my life for others. Jesus, my good shepherd, I trust in you.