He immerses himself in the pools in Lourdes and something happens that leaves everyone amazed

This is the incredible story of a man who will leave everyone amazed and who shows the presence of the Heavenly Mother who invites us to believe in her intercession without any fear. This story dates back to June 2, 1950 and concerns an extraordinary event that happened to a man named Evasio Ganora. Evasio was born in 1913 in Casale Monferrato. On the day of the miracle, later recognized by the Bishop of Casale Monferrato, he was 37 years old and a farmer.


In 1949 the man began to get sick, he often had asthmatic attacks and fever. After a year, in 1950When his condition worsened, he was hospitalized. The diagnosis was staggering. The man was suffering from Hodkin's disease, a malignant process that affected the ganglia and which at the time had no cure or hope of recovery.

The miraculous healing

After several treatments and useless attempts, Evasio decided to leave in pilgrimage together with the Ophtal. He set off despite being hyperthermic and seriously ill. In fact, he had to travel lying down. Upon arrival he decided to immerse himself in the Swimmingpool. At that moment an electric shock went through his body and a few moments later he felt he was fully healed.

María Rosal (Fernán‐Núñez, Córdoba, 1961) is a complete writer. She has published children's theatre, has received the Andalusian Critics' Award (2004), the Children's Poetry Award (2007) and the José Hierro National Poetry Award for Carmín rojo sangre (2015). Her poetic work has been translated into English, Italian and Greek.<br/>
This is her second book for children in edebé, after the funniest title, El secreto de las patatas fritas.<br/>
Maria has a very funny sense of humour.

He got up from the pool by himself and walked towards the living quarters. When the doctor passed his bed, he immediately noticed the improvements. The man, feeling better, decided to go to the Via Crucis, at the Calvary of Espelugues. By now she had found all her energy and felt so happy and vital that she decided to push other sick people and accompany them on the way.

When he returned home, he resumed his life as a farmer without any difficulty. Three years later the doctor certified it healing was permanent. After 4 years, theMedical office he decided to delve into the matter to try to understand more. The final verdict was that it was an unexplained healing that surpassed all natural laws.

Monsignor Angrisani, the miraculous healing of Evasio Ganora is miraculous and must be attributed to the special intervention of Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate, Mother of God.