Catholics who don't believe in Medjugorje

In the whole history of the apparitions in Medjugorje and in all the messages given there, there is not a single small contradiction. There is not even a very small element that can raise even the slightest suspicion. There is disloyalty in those who slander Medjugorje without having a proven indication of accusation and violation of something that concerns our doctrine and Catholic morality. All messages are full of gospel truth and supernatural spirit.

The words that Our Lady said in all the messages do not contain a single inaccuracy. Out of hundreds of messages, there is not a single word that confuses, but there is clarity and the scent of the Gospel.

Medjugorje is an opposed apparition, and the reason is simple: Our Lady takes us back to the essentiality of the Gospel which is intentionally forgotten by many Catholics; insists a lot on conversion; repeats the words penance, fasting and chastity that many do not want to hear at all; invite everyone to reject sin. Above all, he repeats us to return to God. Of course, those who are fond of sin rebel, do not accept this "intrusiveness" of the Mother of God in their life, because they want to continue living by transgressing every Divine Law.

Therefore, those who oppose Medjugorje for a natural or spontaneous doubt can be in good faith, and with prayer, reading the messages and studying the intervention of Our Lady, they will come to believe. Even if he remains free to believe or not to believe.

Instead, those who reject Medjugorje out of prejudice, without knowing the phenomenon well, do it because of a serious spiritual disorder that accompanies it, they are not in good faith, they do not want to believe because the words of Our Lady would embarrass him and cause deep restlessness.

It will be possible to rebel against Medjugorje, because the apparition in itself reveals its corrupt life. It is better for him to silence that voice, not to allow pilgrims to go there, to discredit the visionaries, to insinuate absolutely invented facts.

There are also the indifferent and they are certainly not in a good situation. Indifference is indolence, superficiality. Living outside reality, in a dimension without problems and without liveliness and resoluteness. Satan wants this and leads slowly but surely hundreds of millions of people to estrange themselves from existential problems, convincing them to live passively. Not to seek God or to understand the meaning of life and that one lives only once, but to ignore the physical and spiritual dangers against one's life, with the painful consequences they bring.

How many people drink alcohol or take drugs or smoke cigarettes and do not even stop before signs of very serious diseases? They despise life and repeat that so much one must die. They are answers that do not give normal and responsible people, answers that come from those who have lost the meaning of life.

On the other hand, looking at these times and considering the overwhelming immorality and the rejection of God in billions of people, does it not ask us where this poor and corrupt world will end? Either God intervenes or man will succeed in fulfilling the plan of satan: the self-destruction of the world.

Whoever is surprised by the prolonged call of Our Lady to Medjugorje, must ask herself if she puts into practice the Faith she professes. In fact, if all Christians followed Jesus, Our Lady would not have appeared for so long.

There is, therefore, something very serious that threatens the world, all humanity, and Our Lady perfectly fulfilling her role as our Mother and Mediatrix of Grace came to call us back, to shake us, to remind us of God's Commandments What does it take to understand this?

Whoever has the spirit of the world, does not feel the presence of the Divine in Medjugorje in his heart, and does not believe, reject, attack. Instead, there are those who welcome an apparition with the spirit of Faith, attracted by the Spirit of God present in that place. He believes simply, making those necessary investigations on the seer or on the seers, knowing the fruits of conversion and miracles, studies the messages in the light of Sacred Scripture and the Doctrine of the Catholic Church. In the meantime, pray and do penances, so as to be enlightened by the same Divine Spirit who works in that place.

In several places recognized as reliable, the Madonna has watered from statues and images. We have seen tears of blood pitifully fall from the eyes of statues, and not even these tears have moved us.

In addition to the reflection on the long talk of the Madonna, let us ask ourselves why the statues teared blood. I believe that Medjugorje has already been clearly announced by Our Lady in Fatima. Here are the words of Sister Lucia in a letter to P Agostino Fuentes of 1958: “Our Lady repeated to me that the last remedies given to the world are: the Holy Rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Then he told me that, having exhausted the other means scorned by men, he offers us with trembling the last lifeline: the SS. Virgin in person, her numerous apparitions, her tears, the messages of the visionaries scattered in all parts of the world ".

Despite her appearances in many parts of the world and the tears that show the pain of a Mother still transfixed by the sword, humanity has not accepted her invitation to convert and return to Jesus. That is why Our Lady has spoken for so long .

If we let these calls of God fall on deaf ears through Our Lady, we must also consider the unthinkable consequences that will fall upon us. It is one thing to remain in the Heart of Our Lady and receive protection, it is quite another to refuse her help and to be at the mercy of every evil and destructive force.

How immense is Our Lady's love for us, in the same way she asks us to give our love to her, so that she can offer it to Jesus, and console the most offended man of humanity. Sins offend Him either when they are committed directly against Him, or when they are committed against others or in a selfish way.

Perhaps the rationalists cannot understand, but Jesus and Our Lady seek consolations from us, because they suffer too much because of sins. We offer this consolation when we love them, pray to them, we look for them during the day's chores, we make them the object of our thoughts, when we do every work or job to give repair and glory to them two. Every work that is done out of love for the Madonna, even if small, rejoices her Heart and gives her consolation.

It is in bad faith to reject the apparitions of Medjugorje without honestly considering certain aspects:

* the maximum coherence of the 6 visionaries in all these years of apparitions (no one can accuse them sensibly of inconsistency or of a single ambiguous word);

* the contents of the messages perfectly faithful to the authentic Magisterium of the Catholic Church (there is not a single dubious word in hundreds and hundreds of messages);

* the fruits, with sensational conversions (also of many Priests), amazing miracles, the works born from that place like Catholic Radio, new religious Institutes ...;

* the clarity and linearity of the messages, full of peace, love, harmony, truth ...;

* the invitation that Our Lady always repeats to go to Jesus, to abandon herself to God.

The center of the messages is God and she always repeats God ... To understand the wonders of Medjugorje, one must go there, Our Lady gives everyone help and graces.

The writing of this book is inserted in another large enough, which contains the messages of Our Lady given in Medjugorje, but sorted by topics. This book is the introduction of the one, which is titled: The teachings of Our Lady in the messages of Medjugorje. You can request it from our editorial staff.

This introduction is presented in this book for wider dissemination. Even more instructive is the largest 400-page book. They are words of the Madonna. The messages contained are a blessing from Heaven, a great Grace, the manifestation of the Mercy of God.

By reading them we rediscover our Faith, reconsider what it means to live as Christians, do the examination of conscience again and we can propose an intense spiritual life.

The messages are divided into subjects, those in which the Madonna speaks of Jesus, of the Holy Mass, of the Holy Spirit, of the consecration to her, of prayer, of the Holy Rosary, of conversion, of sin, of Satan, and many other topics.

These messages given by Our Lady if meditated seriously, are of great help in carrying out a profound spiritual transformation and allowing an intimate need to begin a new life to arise.

Without wanting to prevent the judgment of the Holy Church, considering the fruits that have come from Medjugorje, we cannot remain silent about the call of the Mother of God to humanity, we cannot remain silent when Our Lady continues to cry out to the world to return to God.

It is evident that these books on the messages of Medjugorje are not intended to anticipate the judgment of the Holy Church at all, but the Priests cannot be silent, because, says Jesus, "if they are silent, they will cry out the stones" (Lk 19,40:XNUMX). There are no valid elements against Medjugorje.

The publication of this book is a way of thanking Our Lady for what she is doing for each of us. There, from Medjugorje you are pointing out the one and true God to humanity. We cannot help believing that you are the one operating.

It is believed after having verified with great prudence and attention and having evaluated the signs in the light of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church; after having heard of thousands of cases of conversions and recoveries from incurable diseases.

Publishing this book on Medjugorje, for my part, is a small attestation of the total consecration to his Immaculate Heart and the commitment to make it known everywhere.

Thank you, faithful Mother, for your patience in guiding us and your kindness in helping us. Always and with incalculable love. Thanks, for what you did for me.

Source: WHY THE LADY APPEARS IN MEDJUGORJE By Father Giulio Maria Scozzaro - Catholic Association of Jesus and Mary .; Interview with Vicka by Father Janko; Medjugorje the 90s of Sister Emmanuel; Maria Alba of the Third Millennium, Ares ed. … and others ….
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