Christian Advice: 5 Things You Must Not Say To Avoid Hurting Your Spouse

What are the five things you should never say to your spouse? What things could you suggest? Yes, because maintaining a healthy marriage is the duty of every Christian.

You Never / You Always

Let's put it this way: never tell your spouse that he always does this or never does that. These sweeping claims cannot be true. A spouse might say "you never do this and that" or "you always do this or that". These things may be true most of the time, but to say they never do something or always do it is wrong. Perhaps it would be better to put it this way: "Why it seems we hardly ever do this or that" or "Why do you do this or that so much?". Avoid statements. Turn them into questions and you can avoid conflicts.

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I wish I'd never married you

Well, it might be what you felt at one point in time but it wasn't what you thought on your wedding day, was it? This is a sign of marital conflicts or problems that every couple goes through in marriage but saying that you wish you had never married him / her will only make things worse. It is a very painful thing to say. It's like saying, "You are a horrible spouse."

I can never forgive you for this

No matter what "this" is, saying that you will never forgive him / her for something shows a very unrelated attitude to Christ because we have been forgiven far more than we ever should have forgiven someone else in their entire life. Maybe you could put it this way: "I'm really struggling to forgive you for this." It looks like you're at least working on it but it doesn't sound as desperate as "I'll never forgive you for that!"

I don't care what you say

When you say this, you are sending your spouse a signal that no matter what they say, it will still make no difference. That's a pretty cool thing to say. While these things can be said in the heat of the moment, saying them over and over will eventually cause the other spouse to give up on saying anything and that's not okay.

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I wish you were more like ...

What you are saying is that you want someone else's spouse. Words can really hurt. It is not true to say "sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me". In reality, the wounds from sticks and stones heal but the words leave deep scars that may never completely disappear and can hurt a person for years. When you say "why can't you be so and so anymore", it is almost like saying "I wish I had married Tizio or Caio".


Other things we shouldn't say are "you are just like your mother / father", "my mother / father always did this", "my mother warned me about this", "forget it" or "my ex did. so."

Words can hurt, but these words heal: "I'm sorry", "I love you" and "please forgive me." These are words you should say a lot!

God bless you.