Christian nurse forced to leave work for wearing a Cross

A Christian nurse from the United Kingdom filed a lawsuit against a section of the NHS (National Health Service) for unlawful dismissal after being forced to leave work for wearing one necklace with a cross.

Mary Onuoha, who served as a nurse for 18 years, will testify in court that for many years she safely wore her cross necklace to the Croydon University Hospital. In 2015, however, his bosses began to pressure him to remove or hide it.

In 2018, the situation became more hostile when the leaders of the Croydon Health Services NHS Trust they asked the nurse to remove the cross because it violated the dress code and put patients' health at risk.

La 61 year old British woman assured that the hospital's policies were inherently contradictory as they seemed to make no sense with the order requiring her to always wear some special ropes around her neck.

Likewise, the hospital dress code states that religious requirements would be treated with "sensitivity".

Reports indicate that hospital authorities would allow her to wear the necklace until it was in sight and that she would be recalled if she did not comply.

After refusing to remove or hide the Cross, Ms. Onuoha said she began receiving non-administrative assignments.

In April 2019 she received a final written warning and later, in June 2020, she quit her job alone due to stress and pressure.

Secondo Christian today, the plaintiff's attorneys will argue that the hospital's claims were not based on hygiene or safety issues, but on the visibility of the cross.

Speaking of the case, Ms. Onuoha commented that she was still shocked by the "politics" and the treatment she received.

“This has always been an attack on my faith. My cross has been with me for 40 years. It's part of me and my faith, and has never hurt anyone, ”he said.

“Patients often tell me: 'I really like your cross', they always respond positively and this makes me happy. I am proud to use it because I know that God loves me so much and has gone through this pain for me, ”she added.