The Holy Virgin of the Snow miraculously re-emerges from the sea in Torre Annunziata

On August 5th, some fishermen found the image of the Our Lady of the Snows. Precisely on the day of the discovery in Torre Annunziata, the festival in honor of him was established. On the day of the discovery, the fishermen were amazed by the beauty of that small Greek-style bust, depicting Mary with baby Jesus in her arms.


After its discovery, the image was taken to the church'Annunziata and it is given the name of Madonna della Neve to remember the snow that fell on Rome on August 5th.

The image is hidden for a long period, to protect it from pirate raids. Then she is transferred to the Basilica of Our Lady of the Snow dedicated to her. In the 1794 il Vesuvio erupts but fortunately the lava is unable to reach Torre Annunziata. The frightened citizens decide to carry the Madonna in procession for 3 days to thank her for the miracle.

Suddenly, however, aesplosione causes the glass of the shrine that holds it to break and the faithful present see the His look turn towards baby Jesus in his arms. The faithful present shouted at the miracle as suddenly the eruption stopped but the gaze of the Madonna remained fixed on her Child.


In 1822 the volcano awakens and the citizens once again ask the Madonna delle Nevi for protection. The terrified people rush to Mary's feet and hastily organize a procession. This time too a sunshine it lands on Mary's face and the eruption ends.

Torre Annunziata is also safe this time thanks to his protector who always seems to watch over the town and its inhabitants.

Prayer to Our Lady of the Snow

O Most Holy Virgin of the Snow, you who are Mother of God and Mother of the Church, turn your gaze of goodness upon us, and help us as your children whom Jesus himself has entrusted to you.

We ask you, therefore, to support us in the testimony of faith, to encourage us in the certain hope of the faithfulness of the Most High, to offer your son our prayer.

Please show, Mother of mercy, for every man who believes, hopes and loves. May everyone feel close to you and, through you, come to the knowledge of the truth, which is Christ the Savior, in whom life and human history find meaning. We wholeheartedly invoke you and beseech you: Holy Mary of the Snow, pray for us! Amen.