In her message, Our Lady of Medjugorje invites us to rejoice even in suffering (Video with prayer)

The presence of the Madonna in Medjugorje it is a unique event in the history of humanity. For over thirty years, since June 24, 1981, the Madonna has been present among us, bringing messages of hope and invitations to faith. In one of her messages, the one we will tell you about today, she addresses the theme of suffering and invites us to make a qualitative leap in our faith to experience a great gift of the Holy Spirit.


Our Lady of Medjugorje invites us to offer our sufferings to God

Our Lady urges us to offer our crosses and our sufferings for his intentions. Like our Mother, he desires help us asking for grace from God for us. He encourages us to offer our sufferings as a gift to God so that they can become a beautiful flower of joy. This invitation seems contrary to our logic, which always tends to flee from pain and suffering. But Our Lady reminds us that suffering can become joy and the cross can become the way of joy.


Some may wonder whether it is possible to find joy in suffering. God managed to reverse the logic and Christians follow him with faith and trust. Instead of being the Triumphant Messiah that everyone expected, the warrior who would liberate Israel with power and prestige did much more, he offered his life for the salvation of all. Following him means imitating his example.

We will certainly never be asked to sacrifice our lives, but every day we can offer all our efforts, frustrations, disappointments and pain for the project of salvation of God. Our Lady invites us to to pray so that we can welcome with our hearts, not only with our minds, the profound joy that arises from the love of God.

In summary, the message of Our Lady of Medjugorje challenges us to change our perspective about suffering. He invites us to offer ours sufferings as a gift to God so that they can become joy. This may seem like a paradox, but ours faith teaches us that if you believe in God everything is possible.