Padre Pio's prophecy to Father Giuseppe Ungaro

Padre Pio, Saint of Pietrelcina, known for his numerous miracles and his great devotion towards those most in need, left a prophecy that has left many faithful speechless over the years. Among those who had the privilege of meeting the Saint and receiving a prophecy from him, there is Father Ungaro, a devoted friar who dedicated his life to the mission of helping the most fragile and needy.

friar of Pietralcina

Father Ungaro, From a young age, he had a burning desire to become a missionary, to bring comfort and help to those who needed it. His vocation was born as a child and as the years went by, it became increasingly stronger. However, Padre Pio's prophecy has upset his plans.

Padre Pio's prophecy upset Padre Ungaro's plans

During a meeting at Sabaudia, Father Ungaro used to go to San Giovanni Rotondo to confess to Padre Pio. It was on that occasion that the Saint addressed him prophetic words which made him understand that his desire to become a missionary would never come true.


With his usual decisive attitude, the saint from Pietralcina told him that he would never go on a mission. These words were a hard blow for Father Ungaro, but aaccepted God's will and continued to dedicate his life to the mission in other ways.

Despite the saint's prophecy, Father Ungaro was fortunate enough to meet others two Saints during the course of his life. Saint Maximilian Kolbe and Leopold Mandic. With Saint Maximilian Kolbe, he had the opportunity to confess and receive precious advice for his vocation, while with Father Leopoldo Mandic he had the honor of being assigned as confessor of minors in the convent in 1938.

Father Ungaro continued to live his vocation with great spirit of sacrifice and dedication. He demonstrated that, even though our plans may not coincide with God's will, it is important to accept his will and continue to serve him with love and humility.

His story is a warning to all of us, an encouragement to follow God's will with determination and love, even when the paths we imagine for ourselves take a different path.