Saint Luigi Orione: the Saint of charity

Don Luigi Orione he was an extraordinary priest, a true model of dedication and altruism for all those who knew him. Born to humble but very faithful parents, from a young age he felt the call to the priesthood, even if he initially had to help his father as a paving boy.

Don Luigi

Don Orione traveled throughout Italy for raise funds and recruit new vocations for his work. He also stood out for his missionary zeal, founding congregations and religious institutes in various countries around the world.

Luigi Orione, a model of dedication and altruism

After completing his ecclesiastical studies, Orion came ordained priest in 1895 and began his pastoral activity in the oratory of Saint Benedict in Tortona. It was precisely in this context that his vocation as the founder of a religious congregation and a lay movement began to mature, with the aim of bringing the Gospel to the most poor and marginalized.

In 1899, Luigi Orione founded the Congregation of Children of Divine Providence. The congregation aimed to carry out assistance and evangelization activities among the most needy, following the example of charity and service of Jesus Christ.


Parallel to the activity of the congregation, Luigi Orione founded the Orionine Lay Movement, which also involved people not consecrated who shared his vision of charity and service. Through the Lay Movement, he promoted the spiritual formation and active participation of lay people to the life of the Church, encouraging them to put evangelical values ​​into practice in their daily lives.

Luigi Orione also stood out for his commitment to the peace and justice social. During the First World War, he worked to help the wounded soldiers and refugees, putting their lives at risk to bring comfort and hope to those in extremely difficult situations.

Luigi Orione died on 12 March 1940 in Sanremo. His remains rest at the sanctuary of the Madonna della Guardia in Tortona, a place of devotion and prayer for his numerous followers. in 2004, the Catholic Church recognized his sanctity, proclaiming him blessed.