Sister Caterina and the miraculous healing that occurred thanks to Pope John XXIII

Sister Catherine Capitani, a devout and kind religious woman, was loved by everyone in the convent. Her aura of serenity and goodness was contagious and she brought peace and harmony wherever she went. Her love for God and neighbor was truly unparalleled. In this article we want to tell you about the miracle of her healing by Pope John XXIII.


One day, at the age of 18, while Sister Caterina, then a young nurse from the Neapolitan province, while carrying out her work in the hospitals of Naples, was struck by a intercostal pain. Initially, she did not give importance to this pain, but later two months she had a hemorrhage from her mouth which frightened her very much.

The hemorrhages meant he had contracted consumption, a serious lung disease, and this would have compromised his stay in the Congregation of the Daughters of Charity. Sister Caterina, frightened, decided not to say anything to anyone and hid her problem for seven months.


When another hemorrhage suddenly occurred, it was necessary to carry out extensive medical tests. Several specialists were unable to pinpoint the cause of the hemorrhages until the Professor Tannini, after a delicate operation, he discovered what a nun he had Ulcerative varices in the stomach, probably caused by problems with the pancreas and spleen.

Sister Caterina and the miraculous healing that occurred thanks to Pope John XXIII

After a long period of suffering and care, Sister Caterina was struck by a serious illness drilling to the wound in the stomach. With a very high fever and widespread peritonitis, it seemed that his life was in danger. His sisters began to pray to Pope John XXIII for her.

But one day, during a moment of extreme need, Sister Caterina claimed to having seen the Pope in person appear before her, heal her and give her the certainty that she would return to health. After that experience, the nun did miraculously resumed and returned to his normal life, with no more health problems.

This story of faith and miracle inspired many people and became an example of how much the prayer and hope can lead to healing. Sister Caterina continued her service as a nurse with renewed commitment and dedication, demonstrating the strength of faith even in the most difficult moments.