Spirituality: the 5 Rieki principles for inner peace

What is Reiki and what are the 5 principles of Reiki? Many people are unfamiliar with these ideas, but an understanding of Reiki principles opens a door that leads along a path to inner peace. We will start by taking into consideration the term "Reiki" and what it means and then continue with the discussion of the 5 principles of Reiki. For each one, we will explore the general premise, what it represents and how you can implement the concept in your daily life. We will also briefly consider how to meditate on the 5 main principles of Reiki.

What is Reiki?
Before we can begin to consider the 5 principles of Reiki, we need to understand what the term "Reiki" actually means. In Japanese, Reiki (which is pronounced key-ray) represents universal life energy. However, the term has since been adapted and now embodies a practice that uses natural energy healing. Within this system, you will find practical healing and hand healing practitioners, both of whom rely on universal energy to function.

In many ways, the healing of Reiki is similar to a massage, but instead of interacting with the body, it interacts with spiritual energy. Even when your hands are placed on someone's body, they don't manipulate the flesh in any way like you would with a traditional massage. Many forms of Reiki treatment do not involve any physical contact.

The 5 Reiki principles
Now we understand that Reiki refers to universal life energy, so what are the 5 main Reiki principles? In simple terms, these are guidelines on how to live our lives in order to fully embody this universal energy. Reiki principles represent ways to avoid being adversely affected by energy while allowing the flow of positive energy.

Each of the principles of Reiki explores life one day at a time. There are no long goals or plans. Instead, we simply take each day as it comes. We don't know how we'll feel tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Therefore, each of the principles embodies the term "just for today, I will do it ..."

So, what are the 5 Reiki principles? Let's take a look at each of them individually and see how you can adapt them to your life.

# 1 - Just for today, I won't be angry
The first Reiki principle represents the idea that only for today you will not be angry. By allowing anger to fuel your decisions and actions, you open yourself to spiritual blockades. It doesn't matter if you are angry with yourself, with someone else or with the world as a whole. Maybe you're even mad at the universe.

Only by controlling anger can we also allow it to be released. Keeping it built within us creates negativity that negatively affects our mind, body and spirit. Whenever you feel angry, take a few slow, deep breaths and count back from 5. Realize that nothing positive can be gained from this emotion.

The only way to achieve peace is to let go of anger!
# 2 - Just for today, I won't worry
The concern stems from our inability to see the future. When negativity starts to plague our mind, we begin to believe that the future is gloomy, boring and gloomy. Let's think about all the bad things that could happen, even if they are incredibly unlikely. We are convinced that our path leads into an abyss.

Concern comes from negativity, so the best way to conquer it is through positivity. You can use affirmations to control your thoughts. Alternatively, you can meditate to help the mind and soul return to neutral space.

Don't let worry dampen your body, your mind and your spirit!
# 3 - Just for today, I will be grateful to you
It is easy to lose track of everything we have accomplished, just as it is easy to lose track of everything we have achieved. Taking things for granted is something we all do from time to time. We forget that not everyone in the world is lucky enough to have food, water, shelter, not to mention all the knowledge, comforts and forms of entertainment that we experience daily.

Expressing gratitude is an incredibly radical experience. It reconnects us to the world and to the rest of humanity and shows that we have not become materialistic or guided exclusively by material desires. Remember to smile, say 'thank you' and recognize when someone does you a favor or provides you with a service.

Gratitude is the key to keeping the spirit happy.
# 4 - Just for today, I will do my job honestly
Staying positive is something we all struggle with, but this task can be even more demanding in the workplace. It is important to find all jobs we can be proud of. Look for a career that allows you to serve all of humanity, rather than damage part of it. When you think of a job, do you feel proud? Do you feel honor? If not, it may be time to explore other options.

Honesty often consists of accepting harsh truths. Can you be honest with yourself about your job? Can you be honest with yourself about the potential moral implications your role has?

Our soul can experience abundance only through honesty.
# 5 - Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing
Spreading kindness around the world may seem like a difficult task, but start with the smallest of gestures. Simply treat every person you meet with kindness. Keep the door open, offer help to those who need it, change the homeless, try to be involved in charity. You can choose your level of involvement, just one way to get involved.

Kindness is the key to spreading love.
How to meditate on the principles of Reiki
When it comes to Reiki and meditation, you may expect something intense or grandiose, but the key is simplicity. Get a basic understanding of the 5 Reiki principles and start your meditation.

Cycle through each principle and suggest a way in which you can work towards it. Think about releasing anger, think about seeking positivity rather than negativity, think about how you can show gratitude and what you are grateful for, think about how honest you can be with yourself and think about how to spread kindness around the world.

Only by embracing these principles can you begin to experience universal life energy. Meditation can help you focus your energy towards this goal, but remember to take yourself every day. Just for today, embrace Reiki.