A beautiful miracle of St. Francis: he intercedes for Bartholomew and saves him

What we are going to tell you today is an ancient story, which speaks of the power of faith and divine mercy. Bartolomeo he was a young farmer who lived in a small village in the heart of Italy. Since he was a boy, he had heard of the miracles performed by St. Francis, but he had never imagined that one day his life would be touched by that same divine grace.


A day like many others, at Cornet, the community of faithful proceeded with the friars to cast a very heavy bell. Among those who had intervened to extend a hand, there was also Bartolomeo, at the time a 8 year old boyaccompanied by his uncle and father.

At some point, a blow of violent wind, I throw the heavy one towards the child port house, which crushed him to the ground. The people present were terrified. The child disappeared under the weight of the door and it was impossible to see it. No one at that point, believed he could be live.

St. Bartholomew

Bartolomeo and the apparent death

The uncle and others present jumped up from the table and began to invoke Saint Francis. Bartolomeo's father, terrified and immobile, offered his son to Saint Francis, as long as he returned him alive.

When they finally succeeded in lift the door, they saw the unharmed child, as if awakened from sleep, without any scratches. After the confusion and despair, at that sight, joy returned to the faces of those present. Bartolomeo told those present that when the door fell, in him there was no sign of life left, then, suddenly the awakening.

From that day forward, Bartolomeo's life changed radically. His testimony of faith e miracle he touched the hearts of many, who began to seek his help and prayers. Bartholomew himself became a vehicle of love and compassion Saint Francis, helping anyone who turned to him to seek consolation and healing.