Have faith in me

I am your father, your God, immense and merciful love that loves you and always forgives you. I only ask you to have faith in me. How come you sometimes doubt? How come you experience despair and don't invoke me? You know I am your father and I can do anything. You must always have faith in me, without fear, without condition and I will do everything for you. Faith moves the mountains and I do not deny anything to a son of mine who invokes me and asks me for help. Even in the smallest things in your life, call me, and I will be by your side to support you.

If you knew what joy I have when my children always live their life with me. There are my favorite children who from the morning when they wake up until the evening when they lie down invoke me always ready to ask for help, thank me, ask for advice. When they get up they thank me, when they are in need they ask me for help, when they are at lunch or in other affairs they pray to me. So I want you to do it with me. You and me always together in all your good or bad situations of your existence.

Many only call on me when they can't solve their problems. They remember me only in need. But I am the God of life and I always want to be invoked by my children, on every occasion. Few are those who thank me. Many in their life see only their evils but do not see everything I do for them. I take care of everything. Many do not see the spouse I put next to them, their children, the food I give every day, the house. All these things come from me and it is I who support and direct everything. But you only think about receiving. You have and want much more. Don't you know that one thing is needed to cure your soul? All the rest will be given to you in abundance.

You must have faith in me. Jesus was clear to his disciples and said "if you had faith as much as a grain of mustard you can say to this mountain moved and thrown into the sea". So I ask you only for faith as much as a mustard seed and you can move mountains, you can do great things, you can do the things that my son Jesus did when he was in this world. But you are deaf to my call and you have no faith in me. Or you have a rational faith, that which comes from your mind, from your thoughts. But I ask you to believe in me with all your heart, to trust me and not to follow your thoughts, your mental concepts.

When my son Jesus was on this earth, he healed and freed every man. He always addressed me and I gave him everything since he addressed me wholeheartedly. Follow his teaching. If you abandon yourself to me with all your heart you will be able to work miracles in your life, you will be able to see great things. But to do this you must have faith in me. Do not follow the concepts of this world based on materialism, well-being and wealth, but you follow your heart, follow your inspirations that come to me and then you will be happy since you live your life in a spiritual dimension and not in that materialist.

You are body and soul and you cannot live only for the body but you must also take care of your soul. The soul needs to be tied to its God, it needs prayer, faith and charity. You cannot live only for material needs but you also need me who am your creator who loves you with infinite love. Now you must have faith in me. Fully surrender to me in all your situations in life. When you want to solve a problem, call me and we will solve it together. You will see that everything will be easier, you will be happier and life will seem lighter. But if you want to do it all by yourself and follow your thoughts then walls will form in front of you that will make the path of your life difficult and sometimes dead-end.

But don't worry, have faith in me, always. If you have faith in me rejoice my heart and I put you in the ranks of my beloved souls, those souls who, despite experiencing earthly difficulties, do not despair, invoke me in their needs and I support them, those souls who are destined for Heaven and to live with me for all eternity.